Wednesday 28 June 2017

Wednesday Update On Twist Of Fate Episode 410-411

Aaliya says it is going to be 10 am and Pragya must have left by now. Tanu says I don’t think that she will leave without any drama. Aaliya calls Mitali, asks her to go to Pragya’s room and if she is there, kick her out. She asks Tai ji to bring her special breakfast. Mitali sees Pragya coming down herself, and thinks her hands will not be pained. She asks where is your stuff? What did you think that I am your servant and says Aaliya said this. Pragya comes downstairs. Aaliya tells Tanu that Pragya will cry and pleads for forgiveness. She says she will start her emotional drama. Tanu says she want to beat and kick her out. Aaliya says who have stopped you? Pragya goes past behind them and sits on sofa. Aaliya asks how dare you to sit? And says you should have left by 10 am. She asks her to take her stuff and leave. Pragya says if I don’t leave then….Aaliya says she will kick her out of house and calls Raj, Akash, and Robin. Abhi thinks Dadi might hear Aaliya’s voice and thinks to stop her as she couldn’t bear it. Dadi asks what is happening? Abhi tells 24 hours are over and Aaliya is doing drama. Dadi asks him not to worry and says I will not leave Aaliya today. I will teach her a lesson and she will be punished. She asks Dasi and Abhi to come.

Raj asks Aaliya why she is shouting? Aaliya says she asked Pragya to leave before 10 am, and says if anyone goes against her then they have to bear her anger. She asks Raj to kick Pragya out of house. Pragya says nobody will move from their place. Aaliya says so you are ordering them. Pragya says I can give you order too, and says everyone will see who is the real boss? Aaliya says I am the boss. Pragya says one should forget the dream in the morning. Aaliya asks Raj and Taya ji to kick her out. Pragya says I get worried about think and says you might get mad because of your frustation. She says I know how you got your name written removing Abhi Mehra’s name.

Pragya telling Aaliya that she knew that she has transferred property on her name with fraud means. Aaliya asks do you have any proofs and says you don’t have any proofs. Pragya says I knew that you are after your brother’s money and that’s why I kept those papers in shoe rack. She says I knew you would get your name written on the papers. Aaliya says you made a good story and asks about its climax. Aaliya says a movie can hit if the climax is good. Aaliya asks how will you proof that I have put my name and removed Abhi’s name. Pragya says I have proofs and also witness. She says climax is not done yet. She asks Ronnie to call the lawyers. Aaliya gets shocked seeing the lawyers. Pragya asks why she is shocked and asks her to tell who are they? Aaliya says I don’t know who are they. Pragya says it doesn’t matter as they know you. She shows the original papers photo, Aaliya photos when she met Lawyers, when she told them to remove Abhi’s name and write her name. She says she has a video footage of her when she had stolen the papers from shoe rack and also when she had explained her plan to the lawyers. She asks did you like the climax? Aaliya tears the photos and says your proofs have ended. Pragya says Purab have many copies. Aaliya asks you should have supported me. Purab says you have bad with my friend, and says I just hate you. You don’t deserve any relation.

Aaliya blames Pragya for everything and says you have snatched my Purab and now my family, house and everything. She says what do you think that you will be saved? No…You will not be saved now. She tries to harm her, but Abhi comes and slaps her hard. He says it is waste to talk, explain or punish you as it will not have any affect on you. He says you are like this from the beginning. He says it is in your habit to betray? You gets happy to snatch other’s rights. I have always forgiven you, but not anymore. You have lost the chance to be forgiven for last time. I will not break my relation with you, but I will never take your name from now onwards as you are dead for me. He apologizes to his dead parents and says he couldn’t make their daughter a good person. He says he couldn’t fulfill his responsibility, but will do other responsibility. He calls commissioner and asks him to send his team to his house. Aaliya looks angrily. Police team comes, arrest Aaliya and take her away.

Dadi and Abhi are sad. Abhi says one brother have failed today. He says it was my mistake for her bad upbringing. I used to be egoistic about her upbringing and says he should be punished for her crimes. He says his parents will feel bad when they come to know that he sent his younger sister to jail. Dadi asks him not to think like that, and says your parents were good and you are one like them, but Aaliya was different since morning. She says your parents would have done the same thing if they were alive. She says Aaliya needs to be punished, and says she might value love and family. Purab says Dadi is saying right, and says she has never valued your love. He says we should thank Pragya for bringing her truth out. Tanu and Raj looks angrily.

Dadi and Rachna seeing Tanu going towards Abhi’s room. Rachna says she will stop her, but Dadi says she will stop her and asks Ronnie to stop her. Ronnie stops her. Dadi and Rachna smiles. Tanu says she is going to be Abhi’s wife. Ronnie says Abhi stays with Pragya more and they look good together. He says he is not interested to marry her. Tanu gets irked and goes. Pragya tells Purab that Aaliya has refused to tell the name of the third person. Purab says we shall target Tanu. Pragya says okay and thinks to find out from Tanu. Purab says he will go to office. Abhi asks Ronnie why you are standing outside room. Ronnie says he was waiting for Pragya. Abhi asks if Tanu came here, I heard her voice. Ronnie says no and says he was talking alone. Abhi asks him to tell truth.
Ronnie tells that Tanu went towards there. He apologizes and says he stopped Tanu on Pragya’s orders.

Abhi thanks Pragya for bringing out enemy infront of him. He says you have also done the same thing. He says my sister and wife have betrayed me. Pragya says you are thinking me wrong and says she just want to prove the truth. Abhi says he wants his fuggi to stay with him and asks her to transfer property on his name. Pragya gets emotional, but control herself. She says she has to find out about the person who is behind the attack on her, and says she will search for Bulbul’s killer. Pragya says I will name property on your name then. She says the killer might be anyone and takes Tanu’s name. Tanu tries to fill Abhi’s ears and asks him to ask her why she haven’t told about Aaliya’s truth when Dadi fainted and got ill. Abhi asks her same question. Pragya says she was waiting finger prints report, and says she thought Aaliya’s finger print will match with that found on the rope, but it doesn’t match. She says she wants to search for proof which will lead her to catch Vijay.

Abhi comes to room angrily. Pragya asks if he is angry as he lost challenge. Abhi says it was your preplanned game. Pragya says she wants to check something. Abhi says you are complicated and asks why can’t she be simple. Pragya asks if I haven’t done this, you wouldn’t have believed me. She says will you believe me if I tell you the truth? Abhi nods. Pragya asks him to wait and says truth will be out in a right way.

Tanu asking Raj why he is sitting idle and not helping Aaliya come out of jail. Raj says what shall I do? Shall I tell Police that we are also with Aaliya and arrest us. Tanu asks him not to say anything like that, and says if she goes to jail then her baby will born in jail. Raj says he has decided about himself and warns her not to come behind him else he will give proofs to Pragya against her. Tanu gets tensed. Dadi tells Pragya that it is her first win. Purab says Tanu’s truth should also come out. Pragya says she is not alone and says third partner is with her. Dadi asks her not to worry and asks her to concentrate on her mission. She asks her to promise and asks her to inform them about her planning. Purab says the same. Pragya promises and says we have to keep an eye on Tanu. Dadi says I think she will not meet her partner. Pragya says we have to keep her away from Abhi else he will come in her talks. Aaliya comes to talk to Tanu and says she has been waiting for them. She asks where is Raj? Tanu tells her that Raj refused to help her. Aaliya asks her to do something to free her. Tanu asks her to trust her and have patience. Tanu says I am tensed as Pragya is keeping an eye on me, and says Raj will not help us. Aaliya says she will do something to Pragya and will try to make her suicide. Tanu asks her not to talk that in police station else she will be hanged for Bulbul’s murder. Tanu says Pragya’s target might be me, and you got trapped. She says she might not know about Nikhil and me. Aaliya asks her to do something. Tanu says okay and leaves.

Pragya asks Abhi why he didn’t have coffee? Abhi says I was lost. Pragya says she will heat the coffee again. Abhi says I was thinking about you and says I have decided to walk on your way. He asks her to explain what she feels for him. Abhi says you said that few things can be explained in a simple manner and asks him to clear his confusion. Pragya says everything is simple. Abhi says everything is complicated and asks her to make him understand, and tell him what she feels for him. Pragya says what a girl, wife, boss feels for a rockstar. She goes to bring coffee. Abhi asks her to come back with an answer. Raj thinks Pragya is alerted and will check everything in detail. He thinks to keep an eye on her. He comes to her and thanks her for bringing out Aaliya’s truth. He says I can’t think that Aaliya would do such a thing. Tanu hears them. Raj asks her not to feel alone and says I am with you. Tanu says Raj has changed the party. Pragya says this fight is mine only and I can’t risked anyone’s life. She thanks him. Raj thinks to search a way to take Pragya in his words. Tanu thinks to inform Aaliya about Raj. Pragya says Abhi wants to share his feelings with her, but she is helpless. Abhi thinks he will not give her a chance to think and asks why she is hiding. Pragya says I wasn’t hiding. She shows the fuggi toy and asks who is she? Abhi says she is my fuggi. Pragya shows the rockstar toy, and asks him to get answer from his fuggi. Abhi talks to fuggi toy and says he will not ask Pragya now. Pragya sees him hidingly and thinks to tell him about her feelings for him.

Tanu comes to Raj and says so this was your plan. I couldn’t think that you will please Pragya. Raj says he is a practical man and asks her to think what to do. He asks her not to talk to him again. Tanu says you should help me, but you are betraying us. Mitali comes. Raj tells her that Tanu is troubling him. Mitali asks her to wait for her sin’s pot to break and go to jail, and till then stay away from her husband. Tanu wonders how will Pragya talk with her.

Pragya comes to meet Aaliya in jail, and acts to sympathize with her. She says I am really feeling bad for you. You can’t share your pain with anyone except these mosquitoes. Aaliya asks her to get inside and free her. Pragya says you are acting smart. She says she has brought a deal for her. Aaliya asks what? Pragya says I can get you out of jail, but needs a small info. She asks her to tell the name of the person who was helping her in ruining Abhi. Aaliya says that’s why you have done this and refuses to tell her anything. Pragya says she will make her life miserable inside, and asks Inspector to give her all the details of the persons who came to meet her?

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