Saturday 19 November 2016

Funny Post Skit || Lwkmd: Checkout This Hilarious Harmattan National Anthem/Pledge

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Welcome to the season when;You try to smile and your lips breaks You go out with black shoes and return with brown ones You use vaseline/groundnut oil instead of your normal cream You wash your clothes and it dries within 10mintues Washing plates used to eat garri is a problem ..........#escape.....democracy o E ku harmattan season yi ooo....  A season when some people ll take holiday from bathroom
Arise o cool dry breeze
Harmattan call we obey
To make all wet things dry
With wind & strength & cold
The labour of umbrella past
Shall not just be in vain
To wash legs, than to bath
some girls shall stop 2 rub white powder on their
I plegde 2 harmathan my visitor
To be heat free, dry and whitish
To purchase vaseline without delay
To defend her white nature
And oppose dry lips & cold breeze
So help me vaseline.

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