Monday 26 June 2017

Tuesday Update On Reach For The Stars Episode 285-287

kamla goes to hospital. Dheraj comes there too. Mehta takes him t his cabin. Vitthal comes to the hospital and wonders why has kamla called him there. kamla looks for dheraj’s cabin. She sees a woman fainting and helps her. Vitthal is looking for kamla.
Mehta says cops are looking for that girl in every hospital. The people of village brought her to this hospital. She is the same girl to whom we gave suhana’s face. its not easy to conceal this anymore. Mehta says she was from a chowl. She belongs to a poor family. Mehta says the girl loving in your house is kamla yadav. Dheraj says so who is kalpana yadav ? Kamla over hears this sentence.

Aryan tires to get suhana up. She opens her eyes. Aryan asks are you okay ? She say yes. He asks why were you so tensed ? She says I just fainted. He says I get it when people like you come to temple this happens. Lets go.
Suhana sits on the stairs. He says what’s wrong now ? She says I feel like I came here with massi maa. He says this is your fear from wedding. You are just restless. Do you wanna marry me ? or there is some second thought. suhana says I lost memory but my heart is same. Still I don’t have any feelings for you but Aryan in arrange marriage people fall in love after wedding.
Suhana gets up. Aryan says I don’t want anyone to blame suhana. Kamla and vitthal are in hospital. Mehta says to dheraj police is still looking for kalpana and I fear that they shouldn’t get any proofs. Vitthal over hears and says goes in. He says what did you say ? What shouldn’t police know about her ? Where is kalpana ? She is our hope. My wife is living in that hope that we will find her. Tell me if you know anything about her.
Kamal comes in and asks vitthal to leave him. Kamla gives him the photo and says this is kalpana we are looking for her. Have you seen her somewhere ? Mehta says I am so sorry no such girl came here but maybe she is alive. Kamla says you listen vitthal this little hope matters to me so much. She takes him out. She says have you drunk again ? Doctor is a nice man what will he get if he doesn’t tell us. Vitthal says money. kamla says are you mad? Vitthal says I feel like everyone talks about her.

Suhana and Aryan comes out of the car. Aryan takes her to a momo’s shop. Suhana says I don’t like momo’s at all. Some thugs come and say oh madam. Suhana says don’t you have manners ? They say no why don’t you teach us ? Aryan says come don’t talk to them. suhana says someone is teasing your fiancé in front of a lot of people and you are saying all this. He says they are so many they will beat me. Suhana leaves in anger. Aryan says that’s what I wanted. I wanted you to go home and tell everyone that I don’t deserve you. After she leaves, Aryan takes off his coat and starts hitting the thugs.

kamla come to work. chachi says is this time to come ? You thought suhana will come and save you. You got her stuck in your magic but you can’t fool me. Kamla says my daughter.. Chachi says that’s you personal problem keep them in your house and here just focus on work, kamla says this won’t happen again. Suhana is swapping TV channels but she isn’t liking anything. kamla comes in and says why are you so resented ? Suhana says some thugs were teasing me and Aryan said ignore them and eat momos. kamla says I will talk to them. kamla says sometime he have to act wisely. We should ignore people like them. Aryan was right. Meethi comes in and says its suhana’s birthday today. I will tell everyone. Suhana says I didn’t like aryan’s act at all. I feel like Aryan doesn’t love me. kamla says kalpi.. I mean suhana.. Suhana says ai.. suddenly she says are you okay massi maa ? Sit here. kamla says in heart why I felt like she called me ai. suhana says you miss kalpi a lot ? kamla says kalpi wanted to achieve a lot. She wanted to give us things we could only dream off. We educated her as much as we could. But kalpi is lost somewhere. I know she will come back. She has to come for her family. suhana says calm down please. I feel like I know her when you talk about kalpi. Kamla says you love me that’s why you feel like that. Suhana hugs her.
Dheraj over hears. He asks suhana to take her medicines. He says doctor said that this one is so important for your recovery.

kamla says to vitthal we have faced hard times before but you were my courage back then, give up drinking please ? Pakiya comes in kamla says its suhana’s birthday. pakiya says what are you gifting her ? kamla smiles.

Suhana gets a lot of gifts. she says what was the need of these gifts ? sanjay says you are suhana dewan why there is no need of gift? Kamla does her arti. suhana says where is my gift ? kamla gives her a rolled paper. suhana unfolds it and smiles at kamla. Chachi says kamla its party today so we have a lot of work. Dheraj says you have a lot of work too, suhana says chachi talk a lot. kamla says suhana its your birthday you should start a new life today. suhana sits on the bed and says yes massi maa I want to start my life from a new note. She looks at the drawing kamla gave her.

Sanjay welcomes everyone to the party. Chandni asks where is suhana ? he says she must be getting ready. he says this party will be surprise for everyone. I will break this engagement. I think she agreed to this relationship because of family pressure. Meethi says suhana didi is coming. she looks pretty. Aryan stares at her. Aryna feels like he goes closer to her and asks for her hand. They dance on the song ‘muskurane’. suddenly he comes to reality.

Suhana comes in and smiles at Aryan.
Aryan says to chandni you look so good today. She says yeah I know where your eyes were when you said that. He says no suhana I mean chandni. I am coming in a moment. The cake is all set for suhana. Aryan lightens the candles. Suhana smiles at him. Sanjay says suhana lets
cut the cake. Suhana clows the candles and cuts the cake. Suhana gives the first bite to kamla. Kamla denies but suhana asks her to eat. She makes everyone else eat after wards. Suhana receives the presents from everyone. kamla distributes the cake in everyone.
kamla gets a call from damli. She says I am in dewan house right now I will let you know when I come back.
Meethi says to suhana come dance with me. methi dances, suhana joins her. Everyone is enjoying. Doctor Mehta comes to the party with flowers. Suddenly the lights turn off. Aryan comes on the floor. he dances on song ‘badtamez dil’. he moves with sanjay and chandni. Everyone enjoys his dance. Suhana extends her hand to dance with him but he drags chandni and dances with her. Suhana is disappointed.Dheraj sees Mehta an says welcome. I have been waiting for you. Mehta says that girl should never meet her mom. she might recall. Aman comes there and says what going on? Dheraj says shut up, if you were not there with suhana I wouldn’t have to handle all this. Sanjay calls dheraj. Mehta gives the bouquet to suhana. He sees kamla there and is shocked. he says I am their family doctor. what are you doing here ? kamla says I work here. Actually vitthal left work when kalpi was lost. So I have to work. Suhana says you know massi maa Mehta saved my life.

Mehta goes to dheraj and says this.. dheraj gets a call. He goes out to receive. Meethi says to suhana I want to eat ice cream. suhana says you should eat the cake. She says no I wanna eat ice cream. Aryan says let her eat. you should eat too. he gives her a bowl. Meethi says when massi maa gives me something she kisses my you should kiss me too. Aryan says why not. Aryan kisses her. Meethi says now kiss suhana didi.
Dhamli comes there and asks dheraj that he has to get some papers signed from kamla. Dheraj let him go in. Watch man tells kamla that some policeman has come to meet you. Kamla signs the paper. Dhamli says sign where kamla yadav is written. Dheraj gets shocked at yadav. Dhamli says we will find kalpi soon.
Dheraj asks Mehta to come to his room. Mehta says I wanted to tell you that kalpana yadav’s mom is kamla yadav. the maid of suhana. Dheraj says you mean kalpi and kalpana are same. Mehta says yeah. He ays you should do something to fire this lady. There is no drug better than a mom. I the family lives close the patient gains his memory.
Dheraj says no this shouldn’t happen. aman will be in a great trouble.

Mehta says fire kamla as soon as possible. Dheraj says she should not get her memory back. If Bhai saab get to know about suhana’s death my son will be in trouble. Aman comes and says sanjay is looking for you dad.
kamal says to suhana I am so happy a new inspector is looking after kalpi’s case. sanjay introduces suhana to someone. Aryan comes and says leave these introduction. I will dance again. He chandni I really enjoyed dancing with you. I think you should come on a drive with me.
Chandni says Aryan its suhana’s birthday you should dance with her. He is drunk. He says yeah why not. will you dance with me suhana come one. Suhana hugs sanjay. Aryan says to a woman aunty will you dance with me ? Sanjay goes to her to apologize. Aryan says to suahan you are my wife to be. will you dance with me? lets drink with me. he says to a man you are looking so cool. Everyone is shocked. Suhana says papa what is Aryan doing. Sanjay says he is drunk. Aryan says to another man what a nice moustache. Are they real or not.

Autny come dance with me ? can I tell you something to reduce weight. she says what is this ? He says this is so important. I am telling you a trick with which you can reduce 4 kg in a day. wash off this make up.
Aryan says to suhana after few days we will be together. He hugs her and says I can do anything for you suhana. He gives her flowers and says this is all for you. suhana says everyone is seeing what are you doing ? Sanjay says stop it Aryan. Control your self don’t you know where you are standing. I think you should go in. He says I will sit here and party. Suhana dance with me please. He holds her hand and takes her to the floor. He starts dancing and falls with her on sanjay. he says sorry uncle. Come one suhana lets start once again. Sanjay says enough arayan. how dare you to say all that to my daughter. if you were not son of my pal I would have kicked you out. Thank God that we have seen your true color. you are the one I wanted her to get married to. He says off course uncle what are you saying? I will marry her. sanjay says shut up. I am breaking your and suhana’s engagement right here right now. Everyone is dazed. Aryan says in heart finally. Sanjay says you can’t stand on your feet how will you take her responsibility. The guy who can’t respect elders how can I send my daughter with him. Aryan says what is your dad saying suhan. its my suhana’s birthday. Why are you in front of me. Sanjay says dheraj take him out of here. Dheraj takes him out. Sanjay says ladies and gentlemen I apologize you all on his behalf. please carry on.
Dheraj takes Aryan to his room. Aryan says to dheraj I wanna say you something you are so cute, I wanna kiss you. Dheraj says you’ll not come out of this room. we’ll talk tomorrow. Aryan says love you chacha ji. He goes Aryan dances in the room for accomplishing his mission. he says finally I got what I wanted. now I am not marrying suhana. He says anything for you suhana.

Suhana is embarrassed in the party. she hugs sanjay. Sanjay says its better that Aryan’s reality is in front of us before wedding. I could never forgive myself if you had married him. Suhana says why are you saying all that. Sanjay says you knew everything about Aryan why didn’t you tell me about all this ? Suhana is quite. he says I forgot that you have lost your memory. He says its not that he drinks, the way he behaved with you matters. You deserve a much better person.
Aryan says everything is going fine with me. This drama took all my tension. I will sleep well tonight. Everyone must be thinking Aryan is such a bad guy but what I did was right. Its better to ruin whole life

Kamla says my heart doesn’t say that arayn is a bad guy. Sanjay says its not possible that I will get suhana married to a guy like him. Its my final decision. suhana says massi maa I am not sad that we have broken up. there was nothing in my heart. I am sad because when is started trying this happened.

suahan is in her room. kamla says don’t worry everything will be fine. Suahan says don’t you know what Aryan did. I have never seen papa that angry before. He has made us embarrassed. Kamla says the guy who can help and unknown woman in a strange city. How can he do all this. there must be something wrong. suhana says the worng things is that you are so innocent. He is a bad guy. kamla says you must be hungry let me bring you some food. suhana says I am not kamla says no I have o bring something for you. kamla says in heart there is something that is hidden. I don’t think Aryan is a bad guy.
Dusheli says to kamla help me in cleaning the kitchen. kamla sees a Champaign bottle. she says no one drinks here. dusheli says its Aryan’s bottle. Meethi comes and says I wanna sleep. she shoves disheli and the bottle falls off. Dusheli says kamla clean this is will make her sleep. kamla smells that its non alcoholic. She says that mean Aryan lied why he did all that.
Also Read: Tuesday Update On Twist Of Fate Episode 408-409


Please what happened to Paki? How did Neetu suddenly become rich again to move to an apartment? Where is Ragav's mum? And Mr Kappor? So many unanswered questions

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