Saturday 24 June 2017

Monday Update On Reach For The Stars Episode 282-284

Suhana says to kamla I want to dress like I used to. I wanna settle in my life. Kamla says yeah you should try to recall. Suhana says you are here to think for me. suhana takes out a dress and asks how is it ? Chandni calls suhana. kamla recalls kalpi Suhana asks what are you thinking ? Kamla says nothing. Suhana says let me get ready. Suhana dresses up in a pink gown. Kamla sasy you look pretty like a princess. kamls says God save you from bad eye. meethi says I have the cutest. Kamla says to meethi should I call yougablo ? Meethi says I will call you gablo too. Meethi says to suhana arayn is waiting for you.

Suhana and Aryan get out of the car. suhana stops to help an old lady walk through. She says to Aryan lets go. he says yeah I am really hugry. She says the more you are hungry the more you will enjoy. Suhana is trying to cover her legs. Aryan says the dress looks good. She orders all the chowl dishes. Aryan is shocked he says suhana and indian food this is so surprising. An little girl is making weird faces at suhana. suhana makes weird faces to her too. Aryan stares at her. the order comes. Suhanaa says I will serve. She serves for Aryan. he says the food looks good. you never used to like indian food. Suhana says I don’t remember what I used to eat before but I like it now. she says eat it now.

You said you were hungry. he starts eating. Suhana is enjoying the food. Suhana asks how is it ? Aryan says I never enjoyed this before ? Its really tasty. suhana says if you eat anything with heart you will find it tasty. he says in heart this is the time to talk about the wedding. He says suhana I wanna say something for our both better. Suhana says why are you being shy like a girl ? Speak up what it is ? Suhana says oh no I had to call massi maa. he says in heart what is it to tell her ? She calls kamla and starts talking to her. After the call, suhan says what were you saying ? He says our families want us to marry. I want to know what you want ? Suhana says you know I don’t remember anything about my past I am so lucky that my familu and you support me. I know my family has suffered because of me. I can’t be selfish. I know they must have decided this wedding with my consent so I don’t wanna hurt the by saying no.

Aryan says our families want us to get married. I want to know what you want ? Suhana says you know I have forgotten everything about my past, I am lucky that my family and you support me. My family has suffered a lot because of me. I can’t be selfish. I know they must not have consented to this wedding without my choice. I can’t hurt them In al this. I am trying to be like used to. I am trying to adjust in all this. everyone is happy with this relationship and you are not bad either so I can settle for you. Aryan says in heart when did she turn this emotional ? its not better to say anything right now. Aryan says since I come back I feel like my memory is lost too. I don’t get which suhana did I get engaged to ? She had a mole on her left hand. Show me your hand.
he says that mole is not here that means you are that suhana. She laughs and says stop it and eat the meal. He says keep smiling like this you look better with smile. So shall we leave now. Aryan asks waiter to bring the bill. Suhana says to waiter to pack the remainings and give it to some poor people and add some desert to it. They will pay for it. Aryan says do as she says.
Aryan says suhana listen, promise me something. I came here to spend time with you. it was okay till now but inside the bar you won’t talk about your massi maa and her dishes anymore. Suahna laughs.

Dheraj says to aman where is the money I gave you yesterday ? aman says I spent it with friends. Dheraj says stop these parties and disco. I will be strict with you from now. chichi says he is our only son. He should enjoy his life. he is not a girl that he can stay home all the time. She says lets go son. dheraj gets a call from doctor Mehta. Doctor tells him the cops came to hospital to investigate. Dheraj says that means they doubt that some strange girl came to hospital that day. Whats her name ?kamla stops there for a while and then leaves. He says we have to find that girl’s name and her family. He says if her family finds where she is she, it won’t be better for any of us.

Kamla is making poran poli for suhana. she says kalpi used to like it a lot in hope suhana will like it to., Chachi asks kamla to make acup of tea for her. Dusheli is there. kamla gets a call from inspector. She asks did you go to the hospital ? What did you find ? keep looking for kalpi ? I will come with you whenever It requires. Dusheli adds extra salt to tea. kamla says how will kalpi be ? She has to come back for her ai. kamla gives tea to chichi. SHe spits with the first sip. She says what have to made ? you added salt to tea ? She says dusheli now only you will make the tea. Aryan and suhana come in. chichi says to kamla if you ever make a mistake you will be fires. Suhana says massi maa comes here to take care of me. She just helps others she is not a servant here. Kamla apologizes and says stop it suhana. She is like your mom. Suhana says you are like my mom too. When I met my accident she was in her house and massi maa came here to take care of me and I won’t like if anyone insults her. kamla says I serve here I am a maid. I get paid to take care of you. if you try to be rude with your family for me I will leave this job. Suhana says massi maa.. Kamla says come with me. Dheraj says in heart why is she so protective about kamla.

Doctor calls dheraj and says that police is looking for that girl. her mom wants to find her. dheraj says please do something no one should know what happened. I am out of medicines. He says okay come tomorrow I will bring the stalk.

Chandni calls Aryan and asks did you talk to suhana ? He says I couldn’t she has changed a lot. she is so nice and I fear that people will blame her for everything chandni says get ready you will wed suhana. he says no. She says what no ? if your don’t say anything you will get wed. he says I have to find a way that no one should get blamed.
Suhana is in her room. She is trying to use her tablet. Chandni comes and tells her. suhana hugs her. chandni says I am sorry I you had to wait for me a lot. Suhana says its okay I had to meet Aryan that day. chandni says you used to do all these pranks before. I have not forgotten what you did in the car once.
Suhana said Aryan you didn’t say me I love since now. Aryan says I will says you on the time. She said you have to say I love you right now. he said you have to say I love you first. I will only accept if you say I front of the world. We are on a signal right now propose me in front of everyone.Suhana got out of the car and said my fiancé wants me to say I love you to him. She loudly said I love you Aryan.

Suhana says you must be lying chandni. I can’t do this. I can’t say him I love you in front of whole world. Chandni says you can ask Aryan if you want. You once filled Aryan’s favorite flowers in his garden. suhana syas did I love aryna like that ? chandni says that the love that you still agree to marry him. Suhana says I feel like there is nothing in my heart for Aryan. in fact I feel like I ever met him before or I said I love you. I don’t know why is it so. Chandni gets a call. she says suhana I have to leave. suhana says please stay. chandni says I wanted to sty to but there are guests at my place. Come tomorrow. Chandni says I will come for sure.

Suhana is lookin for kamla. kamla says are you hungry ? i knew. Sit here and eat. She says how you know i was hungry. Kamla says you call me massi maa and ask me how i know ? She says chandni came today she told me i was crazy about Aryan. Kamla says so whats the problem with that ? Suhana says i don’t feel anything for him. Its not a joke. Kamla says eat first you will get all the answers. When you have nothing in your stomach you ask stupid questions. i know yo are worried trying to find your self. Give yourself some time everything will be fine. suhana gets a flash back. kamla says is it tasty ? Suhana suddenly stops her and says who are you ? kamla says i am your massi maa. Suhana says no you are someone else. you know me better than me. When i eat your dish i feel like i have eaten it with your hands before. The people in this house that say i lived with the,m for years i feel like i never met them and Aryan whom i loved. When i see him i feel like i don’t even know him. why is it so ? kamla says keep your focus on eating. I have to go home vitthal and pakya must be waiting for me.

Vitthal is going through kalpi’s certificates and trophies. he says kaplana vitthal yadav. he sees her picture in news paper when she topped the exams. He say come back i miss everything about you. Your tea, the lunch box you used to make for me. You haven’t been good to me. You left me alone. He is in tears. He takes out bottle of wine from the shelf. Kamla comes in and sees him in anger. He says why you come early ? Kamla says you were drinking ? You drink because you miss kalpi,. I miss kalpi too give me the bottlei will drink as well. kamla tried to snatch the bottle from him. He opens the bottle and is about to drink it. Vitthal says have you gone mad ? Kamla says kakpi is my daughter too i miss her as well i feel the pain as well. If you can drink fro her then i will too. I pray every day to god to being her to me. But when i see you like this i shatter. Our house will ruin if you keep drinking. If my vitthal can drink then his kamla can drink as well. Vitthal hugs her. He swipes kamla’s tears and leaves.

Aryana comes to his car. He sees suhana coming. He stops for a while and stares at her. he says good morning. You have to go out so you can use other car. Suhana says i wanna go in this car. He says where are you going ? Suhana says i am going to temple. Aryana laughs and says have you ever entered temple ? you remember once i asked you to come to temple with me you were so loud at me. you said this all looks good in old age. suhana laughs and says you are mad. I have lost my memory that doesn’t mean that you will say anything you want. i like to go to temple not this shopping. He say okay you mean i am wrong but for now i am going to temple with you. he says in heart i should ask chandni no come. So i can say to suhana what i want.

Pakiya says to kamla i have my final interview today. Kamla says your interview will be good. Kamla makes tea for vitthal. She wakes him up. Kamla says take the tea. Vitthal says i kep asking god whole night where is kalpi ? He didn’t respond. kamla says God told me she is near. Why don’t yu listen to me. he says bring me the rpoof that kalpi is alive i will give up drinking. kamla says i want my old vitthal back who used to make me smile, Kamla gets a call. its the inspector he says please give the photos in the hospital. kamla says to vitthal i have to go its important. She takes the photo and leaves.

 Suhana and Aryan enter the temple. They start praying. A flashback of past comes in front of kalpi’s eyes. She sees kamla’s face. She says what am i seeing ? Her heat hurts and she falls on the ground with a thud. Aryan says get up suhana.

kamla goes to hospital. Dheraj comes there too. Mehta takes him t his cabin. Vitthal comes to the hospital and wonders why has kamla called him there. kamla looks for dheraj’s cabin. She sees a woman fainting and helps her. Vitthal is looking for kamla. Mehta says cops are looking for that girl in every hospital. The people of village brought her to this hospital. She is the same girl to whom we gave suhana’s face. its not easy to conceal this anymore. Mehta says she was from a chowl. She belongs to a poor family. Mehta says the girl living in your house is kamla yadav. Dheraj says so who is kalpana yadav ? Kamla over hears this sentence.

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