Friday 2 June 2017

Monday Update On Reach For The Stars Episode 237-239

Ragahv’s phone rings. Pakhi sees that its kalpi. sHe disconnects it. and switches the phone off. kalpi wonders why Ragahv disconnected her phone. Pakhi says why kalpi wanna come closer to Ragahv she should know that he is married now. Kalpi calls the landline and asks Ramu if Ragahv is there. He says yes. Pakhi asks who is it ? Pakhi takes the phone and disconnects. When she turns back Ragahv is there. Pakhi is shocked.

Ragahv says what are you doing ? Why you disconnected kalpi’s phone ? He takes the phone from her hand. He sees kalpi’s 20 missed calls. SHe says your were sleeping so I thought you should not be disturbed. He says why you didn’t tell me? Who gave you right to do all this ? Pakhi says I am your wife Ragahv. even the kalpi met you first at hospital. Raghavs asy kalpi came ther and you didn’t tell me? Pakhi says I am your wife still you wre saying her name. SHe is your nothing still you have her in the mind all the time. I ask if I have right to stop another woman to annoy you while you are not well. Why ? Ragahvs asy our relationship is of force and friendship. While mine and kalpi’s relation is of sindur. I made her my wife in front of GOd. SHe is my wife. Kamla maa tried to deny it and she has to accept it one day. Pakhi can’t believe it.

There kalpi is in temple. Kalpi takes a little sindur.
Ragahv says to pakhi she is my wife. There, kalpi puts sindur in her hairline
Ragahv says not in eyes of world but in eyes of God we are husband and wife. We have accepted this relationship from heart. Ragahv says it will be better for you to accept the truth. Pakhi says what problem would I hav to accept the truth ? I just ahd to know the truth. I wasn’t trying to be your wife just wanted to help you as a friend. Come one lets go and rest you are still not well. he says pakhi I thought.. She says you thought that I will be shattered. I will cry and scream. I was just a friend so had the right to know. I know you love kalpi so much. I am so happy fro you and kalpi. Raghav says just one year pakhi then you can take your decisions. I will divorce you after that.
She syas lets go now you need rest.
She ask will we be friends forever Raghav ? He says yes obviously we will be.

Pakhi comes to her room. sHe is in tears. sHe recalls raghav telling her that he filled kalpi’s hairline with sindur She starst screaming so bad and throws all the things on the floor. SHe sits in resentment. sHe says no this is not possible. Ragahv can’t do this to me. You did so wrong with me rgahav. You are my hubby, my dream and I will never let my dream shatter. I just want my name on your lips. I wanted it be me and me only. In your heart and mind there is just kalpi. Whats in kalpi that I don’t have. You tried to take revenge from me of what my parents did. I didn’t say a wor.d You are just mine Ragahv. No ojne can take you form me. SHe takes his photo and is lying on the bed. SHe takes out her photo with kalpi. She say kalpi I don’t want you to cut out of my life. I will burn your life. I considered you my sister but you became my husband’s wife. SHe cuts kalpi’s photo and burns it. she says why you let him do that kalpi. WHy yopu didn’t stop him. I will never accept your sindur and will never let you come closer to Ragahv. She burns Kamla’s photo as well and says why you concealed from me kamla maa. she takes the other photo and says Ragahv is just mine kalpi./ No on take him from me. Not even you kalpi. I have one year, in this year I will be all over him. I will make him forget kalpi.

There kalpi thinks I wish I could make everything as it used to be. No matter where I go I will always have you in my heart. u am going to start a new life tomorrow I wish you were here with me.
Outside kamla says our daughter is going to start a new life tomorrow. Everyone is so happy. Vittahl says I have decorated the whole chowl. Is kalpi happy ? Kamal says why won’t she be? She is so happy. sHe is moving on vitthal. sHe will forget the past she will be so busy by tomorrow. Kamla says its too late now go and sleep. Drink the glass of milk beforehand.

Kamla goes to kalpi and says after so long kalpi is sleeping peacefully. Kalpi is still up. SHe says in heart how can I sleep auntil I don’t meet Ragahv and ask how he is. Kamla sees a medicine under Vitthal’s pillow. she says these are sleeping pills. He shouldn’t get used to of it. I will talk to him tomorrow.

Pakhi comes on breakfast table and says good morning. Mummy ji says stay happy like this always. she says I will be happy like this. Let me give Raghav breakfast. GAuri is angry as usual.

There Vitthal, kamla, kalpi and everyone is praying. Kamla says our kalpi is going to start a new life make her succeed. Nettu says how more you will ask. He will fall down if you ask more. Kamla says everyone is poor in front of him. Pakiya says everyone is down stairs. Lets go they are waiting for us.

Pakhi comes to Raghav and says first breakfast and then newspaper. Take the medicine. Ragahvs says I feel good to see you happy. She sya my happinesss is with yours. We are friends after all. She goes out and says I will do everything for you Ragahv. I will smile when I have to cry.
I have to ask from Kamla maa and Kalpi. THey have to answer. How kalpi and Ragahv came this far even in presence of kamla maa. ANd kalpi you have to go away from Raghav.

Pakhi gives Mummy ji the breakfast. She says please give these medicines to raghav. Garui says better you shouldn’t care about Raghav. She takes the medicines and says I will give it to him you can go wherever you want.Pakhi leaves.
Kamla says come Pakhi eat the sweet.Pakhi says come kamla maa I wanna talk to you. Kamla ask what happened ? Pakhi says you tried to take my husband an you are asking what happened ? You knew everything.

Pakhi says why you gave this sindur to me ?. Just to make me fool ? Or to give it back to your daughter ? How did Raghav filled kalpi’s hairline maa ? Everyone is shocked. Nettu says kamla you concealed this from poki / You broke my daughter’s trust. I knew it. You are selfish. Did you see her poki ? No one is your except your parents.
I used to say to you come back to us. Leave this kamla and Raghav. Pakhi says I am not talking to you nettu. She says speak up kamla maa. What right kalpi has to still love Raghav? What right she had to snatch my husband ? You gave this sindur to me the why kalpi can put Raghav’s name’s sindur. Why lied to me. Why you didn’t stop me. You lied me on dinner it was Raghav’s name’s sindur on her. Raghav played with me and I know that. But you played with me too ? You know why he did this ? for her mom. You are a mom too. Why you did this to me. You asked me to be with Raghav. I did all you said. I thought he will love me one day. But I know that this is not gonna happen because the kamla ma who was my strength stabbed me in the back. Kamla says you are wrong. I didn’t tell you because I didn’t want to hurt you. I tried a lot to make your wedding successful. Raghav deceived us. He left Kalpi but I never prayed bad for him because he is your husband. pakhi throws her hands away. Kamla says I am trying to control kalpi. She just needs a little time. I just wanted your better. There was no planning behind concealing this all. Pakhi says stop it kamla ma. Too much with your drama. My husband said in front of me that kalpi is his wife. I won’t be fooled anymore. You knew that Raghav is my life still. What could you do kalpi is your blood after all. How can you let her dream shatter. Kamla says what you said pakhi? I never differentiated between you and kalpi. You always lived in world of fairies that’s why I didn’t tell you. I didn’t want to break your heart. You and kalpi are equal to me. I always wanted you to marry Raghav. Pakhi says where is kalpi I wanna talk to her. I have been sharing everything with her how she thought that I will share Raghav with her. Nettu says kalpi is lost. Pakhi says better for her she is not here. Tell her not to come in front of me. I hate her so much. She will see this friend becoming her enemy. pakhi gives the sindur back to her. Kamla says don’t get us wrong pakhi. Raghav is all yours keep. Pakhi throws the sindur on ground. She runs. Kamla asks her to stop. She cries and says God help poki. Nettu says why doesn’t pakhi divorce Raghav. I can’t stay quiet. I have to do something.
Kalpi comes to Raghav’s house. She is about to go up. Gauri stops her. She asks where are you going ? Kalpi says I wanna meet Raghav once. Gauri says you know he is married. Kalpi says I just wanna meet him once. She says no you can’t meet him. Kalpi says I will just look at him please let me meet him. You know how much I love him. Please just for once let me see him. Gauri nods. kalpi says thank you.

There pakhi is going to her car. Nettu stops her. Pakhi says why you stopped me ? Nettu says I am your mom. Your blood You always considered me wrong. I have been telling you that these poor people can change any time. Raghav just came to ruin our lives. Don’t forget your blood. This Raghav never loved you, he always loved Kalpi. Understand it and leave him. We will all live together. This kalpi will never leave Raghav and so won’t Raghav. There is no better relation than blood. Just for her mom, he left kalpi. What kamla did.. just for her daughter she concealed everything from you and you still hate your blood relations. Forget them all. Divorce Raghav. Pakhi says enough nettu. Raghav is just kind. He is my husband. This wedding locket and sindur is not a joke I am not going to leave Raghav no matter what happens don’t ever ask me to leave Raghav. she sits in her car.

Kalpi sits beside Raghav and touches his face while he is asleep.. She is about to leave. Raghav wakes up and holds her hand and stops her. Kalpi smiles. Raghav says you came here after so much effort then why are you leaving. You got the peace by seeing me. What about me ? Kalpi asks how are you ? He says I was waiting for you. You took so long to come. You are here, I will be okay. Kalpi kisses his hand and says sorry Raghav, I couldn’t come. You know how I spent these days and I know you were waiting for me. He says I knew not just the one year promise, you will come to me by breaking everything. She hugs him. Pakhi reaches the building. she is coming upstairs.
Raghav takes fistful sindur and comes to Kalpi. Kalpi is dazed. Raghav puts all that sindur in her head. Kalpi is so shocked. He says I have loved you with all my heart and today in front of God i made you my wife. If i ever think about anyone else God may take my life from me. He holds Kalpi and says is this proof enough to show you how much i love you ? Just one year is all i need. A year of pain and separation after that even God can’t set us apart. Speak up kalpi. Will you wait for me ? He hugs Kalpi. I have to go to mom but i am leaving my heart with you. Kamla is over hearing them. He is about to leave when he sees Kamla there. Kalpi follows his gaze and sees Kamla. She is so bewildered. Kamla is looking at them in anger. She comes forward and is about to slap kalpi Raghav trie to stop her but Kalpi holds Raghav’s hand. Kamla says you said you won’t meet Raghav. Today you showed that this man is more important to you tha me. Kamla goes forward and sits in tears. She says you left me alone God. I am all alone in the world. My daughter is not even mine. Everything has finished. I don’t want to live in this world. Take me away please. I don’t wanna live. Kalpi says AI please its not your fault its mine. Kamal throws her away and says this is my mistake. When kids do something wrong its all the mother’s fault. What you did Kalpi? Why you did this ? You shattered my dreams my hopes. Me and my dreams everything has lost today. We have put an end to everything. She slaps herself. Kalpi tries to stop her. Kamal says don’t touch me and don’t call me Ai. You killed your ai. You broke your promise and cheated me. Kalpi says Ragahv would have killed himself if i didn’t come. Kamla says what about this sindur ? You can put this and kill my dreams ?

Kamal says you are wrong. Raghav says no she is not Raghav neither is our relationship. I was unlucky not to make her mine. I had to marry pakhi in those circumstances. But she is the only one i consider mine. Kamla shouts quiet. You are responsible for all this Ragahv Singhanya. You took all the happiness of my daughter and now you wanna take them away from me. Ragahv says i know i am wrong anf punish me. Don’t atke kalpi away from me. Kamla says if your wife was someone else not pakhi.I would have done the same. She is the respect of someone. I fed Pakhi and gave her my love and upbringing. You don’t value relations you have made fn of them. You marry Pakhu and purt sindur in my kalpi’s head. You will never understand what is love what are relations. Ask yourself, do you trust yourself ? When you can’t trust yourself how can my daughter trusts you. Just go away from here. Ragahv says pardon me Kamla maa. The God you trust in, I considered Kalpi my wife in front of him. She has sindur of my name in her head and you can’t change this fact. Kalpi is my wife.He leaves. Kamla says Kalpi this sindur only belongs to Pakhi. Remove it. Kamla holds her hand and takes her out.

Kamla takes her out. kalpi says no. Kamla says you don’t get it kalpi. This sindur is not a pure relation. Its a sin. Just remove it. Kalpi says no Ai i won’t. Kamla says its a precious relation which connects you for rest o your life. Ragahv married Pakhi and this sindur belongs to pakhi.Kamla says we made God witness of our love. He doesn’t love Pakhi he loves me. He has promised that he will divorce Pakhi in a year. Kamla says I can’t let Raghav ruin your and Pajhi’s life. I will not let his name in you heart and his sindur in your head. Kalpi is trying to stp her. Kamal says leave me. If you try to stop me then you will see my dead face. kamla takes a water bucket and throws it on kalpi. Kamla says I am your mom kalpi i know your better. She takes more water in her fist and rubs all the sindur from her head. Kalpi is in tears and so is Kamla. There is more sindur in head kamla takes more water and Raghav’s sindur has been removed from your head.
Also Read: Monday Update On Twist Of Fate Episode 416-417

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