Tuesday 30 May 2017

Tuesday Update On Reach For The Stars Episode 225-227

Pakhi is trying to call Raghav. He omes in she says wher were you ? Go and fresh. I will serve the food. I am so hungry too. Raghav says whats your problem why you don’t understand that this wedding was a problem for me and a cheat for you/. Leave me alone. Don’t try to come near me. Pakhi says enough Raghav you don’t have any right to talk likt this to me. Problem is with you not with me. I owned you and trusted you blindly. I could stop my parents and stand against you but I did not. I know that my parents were wrong. I tried to give life to this relation. I agree that this wedding does not mean anything to you but we were friends before. Why did our friendship burn in this revenge but your love for kalpi never endeed. Prblem is with you. I am brought up by kamla maa. I may have someone else’s blood but my upbringing is by kamla maa. The same who brought up kalpi. When she doesn’t find any difference between me and kalpi why do you ? Why you hate me then ? Why you hate me? Actually, I am the one who should hate you. You deceived me took advantage of my innocnce. But I couldn’t hate you. Kamal maa filled me with so much. If you don’t wanna live with me the I dovorce you. I have no problems. I don’t care whatever happens to me onwards but at last your problems will be lessened by this. She leaves.

Next morning kamla asks kalpi is the list done ? She says yeah almost. Kamla says first of all we have to bring kitchen’s stuff. Like utensils etc. Vitthal makes the breakfast. Kamla says what is this. he says I will handle the kitchen of house. Nettu says how can I stop them. She says give me some work too. Pakiya says I have something solid for you. Kamal says stop it pakiya. Kamla says I have downloaded the permission form too. I will handle the paper work. Kamla says lets go meeting is right now. Nettu drops the bucket full of water and pretends like she is having so much pain. Kamla is about to go to her Vitthal stops and says you are late go. Nettu says I have headache too. Kamla goes and gives her he medicine box she say all the medicine are in this box. Kamla says you can take more from the kitchen and leaves. Nettu says in heart I hope people don’t agree to work with them.

Kalpi is downstairs and is making list of people. Kamla says what are you doing ? She says I am writing name and works to be assigned in this list. kamla says that’s so good, Mand comes and asks is the meeting ready. Kalpi moves forward and slips. Her papers fall in water. Manda says oh her dreams are shattered once again. MAda says its easy to see dreams and say yes but no one is coming here. Kamla says look back. There are so many people coming. manda syas oh you all are here. You have to be. Kamla is so good and her daughter is even better. It doesn’t matter who deceives her but she will always be with them Ragahv cheated on him but shw was meeting him in this chowl last night. Kamla says what are you saying. Manda syas you better ask you girl. kamla asks kalpi is she right ? Kalpi is quite. Manda says she can’t solve her problems and is going to solve ours. she is so blind in her daughter’s love. She can deceive her mom how can we trust this kalpi. Kamla says trust us, manda is lying. We are honest with you. Kamla says speak up kalpi. Show them you are not wrong. Manda says look her gaze is down. A lady says kalpi is not out of this shock yet how can we trust her. second one says, We have earned by so much hardwork. How can we invest all we have in something that doesn’t assure any return. Another says running this hotel is just a piece of cake.Let the rich people do all this. We can’t. Everyone leaves. MAnda says looks kamla learn something from today. Solve your problems first.

Nettu says this manda is so clever. I knew people of chowl are not stupid to trust her. Let me see how will they open the restaurant. She says kamla you have listened to much come upstairs now.
Kamla and kalpi come home. Nettu says why does it happens to be her all the time ? Vitthal asks what happened ? Kamla says nothing happened. Everything is okay. Nettu says no whats all right ? They did hurt kalpi so much. Vitthal says will someone tell me what happened. Nettu says this manda.. Pakiay says I won’t leave manda. Vitthal asks kamla tell me what happened ? Nettu says manda said that kalpi went to meet Ragahv last night. Why did she need to say that in front of everyone ? SHe is young she wanted to meet so she went. What wrong with that ? Vitthal asks is that true kalpi ? Kamla says kalpi go and change your clothes. Kamla says to Vitthal kalpi does not have any such thing in her mind. Vitthal says people alwsy blame the girl no matter what. he says I won’t leave Raghav. Kamla says trust us everything will be fine. He leaves.

Ragahv is gazing at kalpi’s picture, Gauri comes there and says good morning. Ragahv sasy you look so happy ? What the reason ?
She says you know when I joined the kitty party group they told me that theynever liked nettu and they are so happy to know that I am their replacement. Raghav says I am so happy that you are glad. He says don’t you think this all is so much now ? She stands up and says what are you saying ? Has your heart changed ? I am not gonna forgive these people easily. She leaves . Ragahv recalls Pakhi saying I will divorce you. He says I have no right to hurt pakhi like this. I have to stop her for a year.

Nettu gets a call from pakhi. She asks how are you poki ? She says give kamla maa the phone.Nettu gives it to kamla.
Pakhi says to kamla I am divorcing Raghav I can’t live with him anymore. I have talked to the lawyer. Kamal says what are you saying ? Kamla is dazed. Netuu asks what happened ? SHe says I will tell you later. I am going to meet Pakhi.

Pakhi is packing her stuff. She says I don’t wanna live here anymore. I am done with this insult. Raghav comes and holds her hand. He says I am sorry for what I did last night. I over reacted I guess. Pakhi please don’t take whatever I says seriously. I was just in bad mood and said that all to you. You can live here. Pakhi says till when ? You will be in a bad mood tomorrow and will react the same. Ragahv says no I won’t. She says I have no reason to stay here. You never accepptred me. You just wanted to take revenge go for it. I have no right to stay here. Raghav says as a friend. I know I am wrong and can’t stop you as a husband but we had relationship of friendship before. For sake of that stay here. Pakhi says friendship is such a precious relation I never deny to what my friends say. He says the make me your friend and extends his hand. He says in heart I have to stay with you for a year and I will try to be a good friend. Pakhi shakes hand with him. He leaves.

Pakhi says at least first time he is apologizing and has become my friend. I hope this will turn in to love one day.
Ragahv comes in the lounge. Gauri says where were you take you coffee. Kamla comes in ? Gauri asks how are you kamla ? SHe says I am not fine. She asks what happened ? Kamla says ask your son. I am going to meet pakhi. Gauri asks ragahv what happened ?
Kamla goes to pakhi and says what were you saying on phone ? Pakhi says I went mad for a while. But its all fine now. He has apologized and made me his firend. Kamals asy that’s good to hear. Love starts with friendship. Never take a decision in anger. Kamla says I have to leave. Pajhi asks are you okay ? Why you look tensed ? Is everyone okay ? Kamla says everyone is fine. Just don’t make decisions in resentment. Pakhi says tell me whats wrong. I can’t see you like this. Kamla says everything is shattering even I feel like kalpi’s dream to open restaurant is blurring too. Pakhi says till you are here nothing will happen to your daughters. Tell me if I can do something. Kamla hugs her.

Mummy ji comes. Kamla meets her. She says I have seen people changing in this old age. Your love for pakhi has not changed you have done so much for her. You even accommodated Nettu and sahil when I rejected. Let people say what they want to. They trust what they hear or see. Kamla says she is right did you listen ? Kamla says come over dinner tonight you and Raghav. She says I will come but Raghav.. Kamal says tell him that I have invited him. She says okay kamla maa we will come. Kamla leaves.

Kamla is on her way back. SHe says I have invited Raghav and pakhi so people can see that kalpi is moving on. SHe says I should tell vitthal. She calls him and tells him that she has invited them. He can’t hear her because of the noise. SHe says I needed your permission. He says you do what you want and I have to be with you.

Kalpi is collecting her certificates. Nettu says you don’t get job by certificates you get it by sources. You just have to work on the dhabba you are opening and that is not even easy. No one gets a chance like Raghav. You will be giving people jobs instead of looking for one. Kalpi leaves. Nettu sees that kalpi’s phone is ring. SHe receives it. Its from the office they say that kalpi has been selected for job. Nettu says no she has got another job don’t call again. I am her mom. She puts the phone on a side. SHe says its better she should go to Raghav.

Kamla and kalpi come in. Kamla gives kalpi the vegetables. Kalpi asks why so many vegetables ? Kamla says so many stuff because and Pakhi are coming over for dinner. Kalpi is shocked and so is nettu. KAlpi says I won’t stay home. Kamla says you have to. You ahev to look into your fears and show the world that you are strong. She says you have to face everything that is truth. Kalpi smiles and hugs her.

Kamla and kalpi come home. Nettu says why does it happens to be her all the time ? Vitthal asks what happened ? Kamla says nothing happened. Everything is okay. Nettu says no whats all right ? They did hurt kalpi so much. Vitthal says will someone tell me what happened. Nettu says this manda.. Pakiay says I won’t leave manda. Vitthal asks kamla tell me what happened ? Nettu says manda said that kalpi went to meet Ragahv last night. Why did she need to say that in front of everyone ? SHe is young she wanted to meet so she went. What wrong with that ? Vitthal asks is that true kalpi ? Kamla says kalpi go and change your clothes. Kamla says to Vitthal kalpi does not have any such thing in her mind. Vitthal says people alwsy blame the girl no matter what. he says I won’t leave Raghav. Kamla says trust us everything will be fine. He leaves.

Ragahv is gazing at kalpi’s picture, Gauri comes there and says good morning. Ragahv sasy you look so happy ? What the reason ?
She says you know when I joined the kitty party group they told me that theynever liked nettu and they are so happy to know that I am their replacement. Raghav says I am so happy that you are glad. He says don’t you think this all is so much now ? She stands up and says what are you saying ? Has your heart changed ? I am not gonna forgive these people easily. She leaves . Ragahv recalls Pakhi saying I will divorce you. He says I have no right to hurt pakhi like this. I have to stop her for a year.
Nettu gets a call from pakhi. She asks how are you poki ? She says give kamla maa the phone.Nettu gives it to kamla.
Pakhi says to kamla I am divorcing Raghav I can’t live with him anymore. I have talked to the lawyer. Kamal says what are you saying ? Kamla is dazed. Netuu asks what happened ? SHe says I will tell you later. I am going to meet Pakhi.

Pakhi is packing her stuff. She says I don’t wanna live here anymore. I am done with this insult. Raghav comes and holds her hand. He says I am sorry for what I did last night. I over reacted I guess. Pakhi please don’t take whatever I says seriously. I was just in bad mood and said that all to you. You can live here. Pakhi says till when ? You will be in a bad mood tomorrow and will react the same. Ragahv says no I won’t. She says I have no reason to stay here. You never accepptred me. You just wanted to take revenge go for it. I have no right to stay here. Raghav says as a friend. I know I am wrong and can’t stop you as a husband but we had relationship of friendship before. For sake of that stay here. Pakhi says friendship is such a precious relation I never deny to what my friends say. He says the make me your friend and extends his hand. He says in heart I have to stay with you for a year and I will try to be a good friend. Pakhi shakes hand with him. He leaves.

Pakhi says at least first time he is apologizing and has become my friend. I hope this will turn in to love one day. Ragahv comes in the lounge. Gauri says where were you take you coffee. Kamla comes in ? Gauri asks how are you kamla ? SHe says I am not fine. She asks what happened ? Kamla says ask your son. I am going to meet pakhi. Gauri asks ragahv what happened ?

Kamla goes to pakhi and says what were you saying on phone ? Pakhi says I went mad for a while. But its all fine now. He has apologized and made me his firend. Kamals asy that’s good to hear. Love starts with friendship. Never take a decision in anger. Kamla says I have to leave. Pajhi asks are you okay ? Why you look tensed ? Is everyone okay ? Kamla says everyone is fine. Just don’t make decisions in resentment. Pakhi says tell me whats wrong. I can’t see you like this. Kamla says everything is shattering even I feel like kalpi’s dream to open restaurant is blurring too. Pakhi says till you are here nothing will happen to your daughters. Tell me if I can do something. Kamla hugs her.

Mummy ji comes. Kamla meets her. She says I have seen people changing in this old age. Your love for pakhi has not changed you have done so much for her. You even accommodated Nettu and sahil when I rejected. Let people say what they want to. They trust what they hear or see. Kamla says she is right did you listen ? Kamla says come over dinner tonight you and Raghav. She says I will come but Raghav.. Kamal says tell him that I have invited him. She says okay kamla maa we will come. Kamla leaves.

Kamla is on her way back and talk to herself that she have invited Raghav and Pakhi so people can see that Kalpana is moving on. She would tell Vitthal. She calls him and informs him about this that she has invited them and asks them to prepare for the dinner. He can’t hear her because of the noise. She says she needed her permission. He says she do what she want and she have to be with him.

Kalpana is collecting her certificates. Nettu says she don’t get job by certificates and she get it by sources. She just have to work on the dhabba she is opening and that is not even easy. No one gets a chance like Raghav and she will be giving people jobs instead of looking for one. Kalpana leaves. Nettu sees that Kalpana’s phone is ringing. She receives it and finds out it's from the office and they say that Kalpana has been selected for job. Nettu then inform them that she has got another job and tell them not to call again and that she is Kalpana's mother. She puts the phone on a side and says it's better she should go to Raghav.

Kamla and Kalpana come in. Kamla gives Kalpana the vegetables. Kalpana asks why so many vegetables? Kamla says because Pakhi and her husband are coming over for dinner. Kalpana is shocked and so is Nettu. Kalpana refuses to stay at home but Kamla says she have to and she have to look into her fears and show the world that she is strong. She have to face everything that is truth. Kalpana smiles and hugs her.

Raghav is in his room. Pakhi comes there and asks if she can come in. He nods. She gives him coffee and he accepts it. Pakhi informs Raghav that Kamla has invited the two of them for dinner, she says they can go there as friends and he says he will contemplate. Pakhi leaves, initially Raghav is surprised but later he thinks of this as an opportunity to remove all the misunderstandings in Kamla's mind and that God has given him chance and if he deny then she will be hurt.

Meanwhile, Kalpana is trying to stay away from Raghav but destiny continues to bring the two of them together. She question God what to do and that the more she want to go away from Raghav the more he comes in front of her. How will she see him with Pakhi and she can’t see him with someone else. He filled her mang in front of God and how can she see this. She don’t know what happens to her when he is in front of her. She takes the vermilion and puts it in her hairline and hides it under her hair. Kamla comes there and asks if she didn’t wash the vegetables. Kalpana says she have to go and ask for some goods for the hotel and they have to do it today.

Kamla reminds her that she told her yesterday and she is telling her today that they have to face the reality and her Kalpana has to move on and go forward. She have to go ahead that much that when she see Raghav, she feel like he is much behind her and for the hotel they need so many support and that’s all she think as her mother. She should be strong enough to face Raghav and the rest is up to her. She leaves. Kalpana steps forward.

Nettu is downstairs busy filling water. She sees Manda buying the vegetables. Nettu goes there and tells her to give her one kilo of potatoes and inform her that her daughter and her husband are coming. She have to make paratha for him and won’t get the chance again. Nettu leaves and tells the vegetables seller to take the money from Kamla. Manda tells the whole chowl.

On the other hand, Pakhi is getting ready and she is so excited to go but she wonder where Raghav is and if he want to go or not and Kamla won’t feel good if Raghav doesn’t come.

Kamla tells Kalpana that she have made all the dishes. Kalpana asks about the yogurt. Kamla says she forgot it and asks if she can make it. Suddenly they look at each other. Nettu says she know all about Raghav and she could make a good couple with him but poor Kalpana have a bad fate. Kamla asks if she say something. Nettu lie that she was saying Pakhi and Raghav are so lucky that Kamla care this much about them and that it's 9pm, Raghav is not here and she think he won’t come. Kamla says she have invited him over. Nettu asks where Vitthal is? Kamal says he will come late. Nettu says he should have come earlier and It would be fun.

Pakhi is anxiously waiting for Raghav as it's 10 pm. She calls Raghav but his phone is off, she then calls Sammy but he isn’t receiving as well. Pakhi says she better go alone. A worried Kamla wonder where they are? Nettu says she told her that they won’t come and suggests they eat as she is hungry. Kamla says they will eat together, she trust Pakhi and she will come for sure. Kalpana says In her heart it's better that they are not coming.

Kamla goes out to look. Manda and other neighbours try to taunt Kamla and Kalpana and say that Pakhi and Raghav will not arrive for the dinner. She have placed water in her fridge and asks how can they and Pakhi must have stopped him since she knows that her husband love Kalpana. But just then, the two of them arrive and the people move aside when they hear Pakhi calling out to Kamla. Kamla is happy to see them and they both touch Kamla’s feet. Kamla says she knew she’d come and asks Kalpana to bring the arthi plate and does the arthi of both. She asks them both to come in and makes them sit together. Pakhi asks Kamla what has she made for both of them. Kamla asks Kalpana to bring cold water while Manda and some ladies are looking in. One of the lady says Pakhi and Ragahv look happy together and that Manda always lie. Nettu tells Pakhi that she look so good in saree but Pakhi ignore her and tell Kamla there is so much peace here. Kamla replies that peace is all the poor people have and they can’t get happiness easily but they reach out for them.

Pakhi goes to Kalpana and asks how she is doing? Kalpana replies her that she is good and asks about Pakhi too. She says the same as Kalpana. She tells her that Kamla told her about her restaurant idea and to let her know if she can help her in any way and asks Kalpana what is the red thing in her hair line. Everyone is shocked for a moment. Kamla says she went to the temple and some vermilion must have been put in her hair. While Kalpana is making the drink, Pakhi takes the glass and gives it to Raghav. Nettu tells Raghav he must have been enjoying in that house and that she too is enjoying in Kamla's house. Nettu then asks Kamla to put some black dot on Pakhi to be be saved from bad eyes. Kamla says it's not needed and that Raghav will save her from everything.

Neetu tries to play her cunning trick and spills drink on Raghav's shirt in the pretence to gives him the glass. He asks what is she doing? Nettu says she did it by mistake. She tells him to go and clean it and she later asks Kalpana to go out with Raghav and help him clean his shirt. Kamla then tells Pakhi to go and help him clean it but Nettu stops Pakhi that she is a guest and asks him to sit. Pakhi insists on going but Nettu is not letting her and tells Kalpana to go and help him as they are guests. Kalpana then goes out with the water.

Kalpana is helping Raghav to clean his shirt outside and asks why did he came and he could have said no. Raghav replies that Kamla would have be hurt if he didn't come and while cleaning his shirt, Raghav gets close with Kalpana and tries to talk to her about his love for her by holding her hand and says even God wants them to meet and that he didn't come by his own, but just then Vitthal arrives and sees them together. He grunts Kalpana while Kamal, Nettu and Pakhi go running out.

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