Monday 22 May 2017

Tuesday Update Of Twist Of Fate Episode 398-399

Pragya asks Abhi to host the function. Abhi refuses. Pragya says if you don’t agree then I will make Tanu meet that girl. Abhi agrees. Pragya asks Ronnie to give diary. Vijay tells Raj that she seems to be very happy and it will be fun to die.He asks them to give 5 lakhs rupees. Raj agrees. Vijay asks Tanu, not to interfere in his work.

Abhi thinks about Pragya’s words and thinks what does she want? He thinks if she want to elope with all the money and transferring money in swiss account. He wonders what she is upto? Tanu asks Raj, from where we will get money? Raj asks her to get money from Abhi. Tanu says how can I ask money from him. Raj asks her to do acting. Tanu says Pragya is holding his money and Abhi doesn’t have any money. Raj asks her to convince Abhi. Abhi wonders what he shall do? just then Tanu comes and acts sad. Pragya hides seeing them.Tanu says she is fed up of this life and says Pragya is gaining money. She asks him to give 5 Lakhs rupees. Abhi says I have just 500 Rs and asks her to keep it. Tanu says I am your duty and asks him to arrange money by tomorrow. Pragya thinks why she needs 5 Lakhs rupees.

Bulbul tells Purab that plan is same. Purab asks her to talk to Dadi and Pragya. They argue. Dasi asks what they are doing? Dadi says they are fighting. Bulbul suggests Dadi to keep cash prize for dandiya dance. She says cash prize should be 10 Lakhs. Mitali says even I will take part. Bulbul asks purab to sponsor the prize money. Pragya comes and asks what is happening. Bulbul asks her to mind her work. Pragya is walking and collides with Vijay. Ronnie scolds him. Pragya asks Vijay to do his work. Ronnie asks who are you? Vijay says I came to do decoration and scares Ronnie.

Tanu thinks if Abhi will be able to give her money? She hears Bulbul talking to Payal and telling about 10 Lakhs rupees to the winner. Tanu thinks she will dance and win in the dandiya competition.

Pragya gives instructions to Ronnie about the arrangements. Abhi calls Payal and asks why she is talking to her. Payal says Pragya is so good. abhi says she makes everyone servants. He calls someone and gets papers. He asks Payal to get Pragya’s signatures. He says he will have monthly contract, and his salary will increase every month. Pragya says contract is for 11 months. Abhi says his contract is for 11 months as he is the rockstar. He says he wants profit sharing also. Pragya says she will get the papers checked by her lawyer. Abhi says okay and asks for 10 Lakhs rupees for signing the contract. Pragya asks you need 5 lakhs rupees. Abhi asks how do you know. Pragya says I know.

Pragya reading the contract papers and thinks from where did these ideas come in his mind. She thinks Tanu might have instigated him, and decides not to sign. She thinks to hide the papers somewhere and tries to hide it behind his painting, just then Abhi comes and asks what she is doing? Raj talks to Vijay. Vijay says he looks at the person’s style, time etc, when he wants to kill someone. He says I will tie something on her chair and the heavy thing will fall on her. Everyone will think of it as an accident, and asks to call the ambulance. He says I will be on stage, and asks him to make sure that Pragya sits on the chair. He asks him not to share his plan with mad girl Tanu. Raj says okay, I will not tell her. Vijay says let Pragya sleep today and asks him to sleep
as well. He takes 500 rs. from Raj’s pocket and asks him to cut from his 5 Lakhs rupees. He leaves. Raj thinks he has style and thinks new character will come in your Ram Leela to write a new chapter of your life.

Abhi asks what she was doing and says you were afraid and insecure about me. He says you was trying to place your photo on my photo. Pragya says yes I am hanging my photo and says everything is mine. Pragya says she kept the contract here. Abhi asks where it is? He says I am not a magician to get another copy. He asks her to sign on its copy. Pragya wonders what to do? She says she lost her pen. Abhi says he got pen also, and asks her to sign fast. Pragya wonders what to do as he is standing on her head. She asks him to move and says it is very hot here. She thinks how to sign and says she has to concentrate. Abhi says okay, and turns his face. Pragya throws oil on the papers and scolds Abhi. Abhi asks her to sign it and brings another set of papers. Pragya refuses. Abhi asks her to sign and holds her.Pragya frees her hand and runs in the room. Abhi runs after her and they fall on bed together…….Allah Wariyan song plays as they have an eye lock. Abhi politely asks her to sign. Pragya refuses saying if she signs then he will go far from her. Abhi asks what does she mean? Pragya asks him to move and says it will be loss to company and refuses to sign. Abhi leaves angrily. Pragya gets tensed.

Sarla tells Bulbul that every color suits on her. Purab asks why you are lying and jokes about her. Bulbul says she will win the competition and for that she will practice. She talks about the dhamaal tomorrow. Purab asks her to tell. bulbul refuses and asks him to wait. He takes Pragya’s name. Sarla asks if they are hiding something from her. Bulbul says Purab is talking about surprise which they planned after Pragya and Abhi’s marriage. Purab says I will play dandiya with Sarla. Sarla says they will win.

Raj talks to Aaliya and says how can he arrange 5 lakhs rupees in a day. Tanu asks did she say anything? Raj asks did you arrange money and talk to abhi. Tanu says Abhi said that he will try. Raj says you would have tried well. He says your life will be successful if you marry Abhi else it will be ruined. Tanu says it is enough. She says you will get money. Raj asks her to do after a lot of thinking.

Mitali and Taiji practice dandiya. Ronnie and Payal come there. Payal says your idea is innovative. Mitali says she thought to see it online. Payal says I will play songs from my mobile. She dances with Ronnie. Mitali and Taiji think that they are good dancers. Payal asks them to dance. Mitali whispers something in Taiji’s ears and they try to make Ronnie and Payal fall, but Taiji falls down hurting her leg. Ronnie tells Payal that they will practice at other place. Taiji asks Mitali to help her get up.

Pragya asks everyone if they are ready with the preparations. The guy says they are doing Ram Leela since childhood. Dasi says I know the dialogues. The guy tells about Ram Leela. Dasi asks them to enact the scenes. Pragya gives the duty to Dasi to take care of their preparations.

Tanu sees someone. Taiji asks Taya ji to apply balm on her leg. He asks her to take Mitali’s help. Tanu sees Vijay hiding behind the bouquet and wonders what he is doing here. Mitali asks what? Tanu makes an excuse. Mitali thinks she is hiding something and lying. Nikhil comes and greets Dadi shocking Tanu. Mitali thinks she might be asking about Nikhil. Abhi comes to Nikhil and greets him with a hug. Nikhil likes the arrangements. Pragya says there is less time left for guests to arrive and asks everyone to get ready. Vijay keeps an eye on Pragya. Tanu thinks she will win the competition. She sees Nikhil hiding his face behind the bouquet and asks who are you? Nikhil smiles.

Tanu thinking she will win in the dance competition. just then she see Nikhil standing and is shocked.Vijay acts during the rehearsals. Raj says you are really wonderful, and asks about his preparation. Vijay says he is ready to attack. Raj asks him to complete the work and not leave proof. Vijay cuts the apple with a sword. Raj asks why did he take up Ravan’s role. Vijay says he will end Sita in kalyug. Raj thinks to arrange money. Tanu asks Nikhil not to meet her in house. Nikhil compliments her beauty and says your dress is suiting you. He asks do you plan to dance in dandiya competition. Tanu asks are you mad? Nikhil says I don’t want my baby and his mother to have any complications. Tanu says I didn’t spend good time with you from long and asks him
to meet her in Aaliya’s room. Nikhil asks if she is joking? Tanu tells that she will meet him and asks to wait in her room. Nikhil says i love you. Tanu thinks I will play dandiya when you will wait for me in her room. Nikhil happily says that he will wait for her and kisses her. Tanu takes a sigh of relief when she sees Nikhil going. Dadi and Dasi get scared with Ram Leela’s rakshas. Mitali teaches dandiya to Taya ji. Taya ji says it is very confusing. Taiji comes and says her leg has sprained. Mitali taunts her. She asks her to think about 10 lakhs rupees.

Tanu comes and shows her dress. Tanu says you are looking beautiful. Dasi says you are looking ok.

Dadi asks Sarla if she is ready to do dhamaal at dandiya dance. . Sarla says kids will do dhamaal. Dadi asks about Bulbul. Bulbul falls down and her leg gets hurt. Purab asks Jhanki to take Bulbul home. Bulbul asks him to keep her informed about the dhamaal. Abhi asks Pragya to back off. Pragya says she will make dandiya as her sword and dance. They play dandiya and fight while dancing. Dhol baaje plays……………………..Pragya recalls previous year celebrations. Abhi looks at her. Pragya gets uncomfortable and stops dancing. Someone compliments Pragya on her dancing.

Announcement is made for the dandiya competition. Vijay collides with Dasi and she scolds him. Raj tries to stop him. Vijay says he is playing ravan. Dasi asks him to practise. Raj thinks this man is crazy and I shall take care of him. Tanu thinks how to dance and decides to send Nikhil to room. She signs him to go. Mitali sees and thinks Tanu is signing Dasi.

Mitali tells Raj to play dandiya with her. Raj seems uninterested. Pragya and everyone are busy seeing dandiya dance. Abhi comes to Pragya and pats on her shoulder. Pragya asks what? abhi says i came to tell you that you are so alone. Pragya says people will be away on heights. Pragya thinks she is helplessly doing this for him. she says it is her choice to stand alone and not helplessness. She asks Ronnie to bring food for her. Ronnie brings it. Abhi says people care for rich people, but only relations stand irrespective of the status. He excuses himself. Dadi and Dasi look at the girls who were dancing. Abhi asks about Tanu, and meets Vijay. He asks if he saw fair girl here. Vijay says no and gives him prasad. He asks about the crackers. Vijay says it is for the festival. Vijay thinks his eyes are on Pragya.

He thinks he has to find some other way to kill Pragya. Someone compliments Tanu and asks why she is wearing ghunghat and dancing. Tanu says she don’t want to be distracted. Pragya tells Dadi that her mood is off and Abhi talked to her. Abhi comes back and thinks where is Tanu. She sees a lady dancing and thinks she might be Tanu. He then ignores his doubt. Abhi comes on stage to dance. Ronnie thinks this dancer is dancing good and I have to see her face. He picks up her veil shocking everyone.
Everyone getting shocked seeing Tanu dancing under a veil in the dandiya competition. Dasi tells Dadi that this girl is Tanu. Raj thinks she is gone. Abhi asks what you were doing here and says I told you that this baby is important for me. He says I sacrificed my marriage and love for you and for this baby. He asks why did you put your life at risked. Tanu says I have done this because of you. She says you are helpless and thought to earn money for you. She says I thought you can fight case against Pragya with this money and you are calling me selfish. Abhi asks how can you put baby on risked. Tanu cries and says she needs money for some test. She says I have been doing this for my baby. Abhi says I would have arrange or beg money from someone. Pragya thinks she is lying. Tanu says Pragya is at mistake and goes.

Abhi looks angrily and comes to room. He pushes Pragya on bed and asks if she is at peace now by spoiling his relation with Tanu. He says you have proved today that you can do anything. Pragya says I didn’t force her to dance. Abhi says she used to earn lakhs of rupees from modelling and blames her. Pragya says she would have asked money from me if she really wants and says I paid her hospital bill also. Abhi says you are very greedy and have crossed all limits today. He says you have put the baby in danger for whom, I have promised my fuggi. Pragya gets teary eyes. Abhi says you can’t spoil my relation with her as she is standing with me when no one is with me. I will never leave her. Pragya cries and thinks she can’t bear his hatredness.

Purab comes to Abhi and asks what happened? Abhi asks about Bulbul. Purab says I asked Bulbul to rest as her legs were swollen. Abhi says I am getting bored. Pragya comes and asks him to give speech at the start of Ram Leela. Abhi says I am not interested and says he will not get any profit. Purab asks him to give speech else his name will be spoiled. Abhi says she didn’t ask me before committing to sponsors. Pragya says you said that you will give speech. Dadi comes and asks what happened? Pragya tells her that Abhi has refused to give speech. Abhi asks her not to take Pragya’s side. Dadi tries to convince him and says you are not like others, and praises him. Abhi melts down seeing Dadi asking him. Abhi says yes, I will give speech which will make everyone speechless. Vijay tells Raj that his work is done, and asks him to bring Pragya during last scene when Ram and Ravan will be fighting. Raj agrees. Vijay says it is my plan to end Pragya’s story.
Check Out: Tuesday Update On Reach For The Stars Episode 201-203

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