Saturday 27 May 2017

Monday Update On Twist Of Fate Episode 406-407

Abhi waking up in the night and wonders where is Pragya? He thinks where did she go at 4 am in the morning. He thinks to check all the cars and thinks she might be upto some conspiracy. He hears some noise coming from kitchen. Pragya thinks to make sargi quickly and eat it before others wake up. Abhi comes there and asks what is her target. He smells, and says he was checking if she was compromising with gas stove. Tanu comes there and asks what happened? Pragya tells her that Abhi made kheer for her. Tanu asks why did he make kheer for her, and says she will be hungry in her pregnancy. Dadi also comes and asks why did you make kheer? Pragya says he made the kheer and is making me eat it. Tanu cries and refuses to eat. Dadi asks her to eat food. Pragya tastes kheer and praises it. Abhi asks what you are doing in the kitchen, and asks if she has kept fast. Pragya says she don’t have time for waste thing. Dadi asks her not to insult auspicious day. Pragya says she is going to sleep and asks them not to wake her up before 11am.

Jhanki gives food to Bulbul. Bulbul refuses to eat. Jhanki emotionally blackmails her. Bulbul says she has a reason not to eat. Sarla comes and compliments Bulbul’s beauty. Jhanki tells her that Bulbul is not eating food. Bulbul says she can’t eat as she has kept fast. Sarla says fast. Jhanki says she is just trying to tease us. Bulbul tells that she has kept karvachauth fast for Purab. Sarla laughs. Jhanki asks her to have food. Sarla says you didn’t tell me about fasting. Bulbul says she was feeling shy and that’s why didn’t tell them. She says she kept fast as her marriage was postponed many times. Sarla asks her to keep the fast and says Pragya might have kept fast as well. Jhanki says she has broken relation with Abhi. Sarla thinks she is sure that Pragya has kept fast. Pragya gets ready in red saree and thinks to leave before Abhi sees her. She wears her mangalsutra and hides it under her blouse. She fills her maang and hides it under her hairs.

Abhi thinks it is right time to vanish from home, else Dadi will ask me to do many rituals. Abhi knocks on the door and asks if Lady mogambo is inside. Pragya says yes. Abhi asks her to open the door as he needs to change. Pragya thinks what to do? Abhi tells her that he will break the door. Pragya says no and comes out. Abhi looks at her amazingly and asks who was inside. He asks if she wants to impress someone. He then realizes that today is karvachauth and says that’s why you was eating kheer. Pragya says she don’t believe on fast etc. Abhi thinks something is fishy.
Mitali tells Tai ji that she would have woken her up, and says she has to keep fast with empty stomach. Tai ji says she has kept sargi in her room and ate it. Mitali says you don’t care about your son. Tai ji says he is your husband now, and don’t listen to me. They argue and curse each other. Mitali prays to God to make her win. Pragya thinks Dadi asked her to stayed at home, and thinks what to do. Tanu comes and sees her in red saree. She asks why did you wear this color saree and asks did you keep karvachauth fast. Pragya says what is your problem and says she wanted to wear red today. She says if you questions me again, then I will keep fast and then you will fall in problem if God listens to my prayers and cancel your marriage. Tanu says it can’t happen. Pragya says there might be something which is wrong in God’s eyes. Tanu gets tensed and says she has not done any mistake. Pragya asks are you scared that if I keep fast then your to be husband might break my fast. Tanu says she don’t care and goes.

Dasi tells Dadi that Tanu shouldn’t have kept fast. Dadi says I asked her not to, but she didn’t agree. Bulbul and Purab come there. Bulbul says she might break her fast because of hunger. Dasi asks Tanu to sleep 2-3 hours as she might feel thirsty. Tanu nods. Abhi comes and talks to Purab. Tanu tells she wants to talk to Abhi. She goes near him and says I feel Pragya has kept karvachauth fast. She says Pragya gave her a piece of word when she questioned her. Abhi asks where is lady mogambo and asks Ronnie to call her. Ronnie says Pragya is in your room and busy. Abhi thinks to end his confusion. Dadi asks where you are going? Abhi says to check if she has kept fast or not. He asks Payal to give chocolate which he gave her. He thinks if Pragya don’t eat this chocolate then her truth will come out.

Abhi coming to room and sees Pragya eating food. Pragya tells that she is very hungry today since she heard about Karvachauth. She says she is eating for third time. Abhi says today is karvachauth and says you are not my fuggi. He says my fuggi made me believe on the importance of karvachauth day, and says he got to learn the two different teachings from a same woman. He says he will not believe on Karvachauth from now on. Pragya gets emotional.
Payal asks Ronnie, why did he kept ring in her bag. Payal says she can’t help him in uniting their bosses. Ronnie says we will go separate ways. Pragya thinks about Abhi’s words. Purab and Bulbul come there. Purab asks how did she fool Abhi? Pragya tells Bulbul that it is not easy for her to lie with Abhi, and says his
words hit her heart and says she is pained to hear his hatred. She gets scared thinking Abhi might hate her more, and will go far from her. Bulbul tells her that she is his inspiration and asks her not to talk like that. She says I kept fast. Pragya asks really. Purab says she has really kept fast. Bulbul says she has kept fast to prove herself. Pragya asks them not to fight and asks her to see the strength of fast. She says soon you both will marry and no one can come in between you both. Bulbul hugs Pragya.

Dadi worries thinking what Abhi might be doing with Pragya. Dasi sees her tensed and says she is trying to put thread in the needle. Abhi comes there. Dadi asks what happened? She says you went to check Pragya. Abhi says he was fool to went there, and says he is feeling hurt. He says what is my mistake, and says there was no love, complications in his life before. Dasi says God is taking his test. Abhi says he is tired of giving test. He says I will bring good days back and promises Dadi. Mitali looks at the food and gets tantalize. Purab and Bulbul argue. Purab asks her to give respect as she kept fast for him. Bulbul asks who told you that I kept fast for you. She says she kept fast for the person who will fill love in her heart.

Mitali steals the food. Dasi tells Purab that she is indirectly saying that she has kept fast for her to be husband and asks him to marry her soon. Abhi comes. Dasi asks Mitali to keep the food down. Bulbul asks Abhi if he has kept fast. Abhi says no and says he is angry. Pragya sees jalebis and says she wants to eat it. She asks Ronnie to keep jalebis in her room. Abhi asks Payal not to let anyone touch the plate as he is going to eat all the jalebis. Pragya says she has ordered first. Abhi says Payal is holding the plate. They argue.

Pragya takes the plate and is about to eat it. Abhi asks her to have shame as everyone is fasting. Pragya calls Ronnie and says everyone is doing mistake. She says everyone is keeping fast to show the world that they love their husband. She says if you eat anything then something might happen to your husband. Sarla hears her and slaps her hard shocking everyone.

Sarla asks until when she will stoop low, and says she came here to see if she will get her daughter back, but forgot that her daughter is blinded by money. She tells about Karvachauth fast and tells about its importance. She says a married woman keeps fast and prays for her husband’s long life. She says I should have slapped myself. Pragya is shocked and hurt. Dadi cries. Sarla says very soon you will be left alone, and says I should have understood that I don’t have any relation with you. She says I should understand that you have forgetton to had taken birth from my womb. She says she feels ashamed when she looks at her damad. She asks her to think as an orphan now. She apologizes to Abhi. Abhi says you said right, she will not get forgiveness but hatredness. He asks her to meet him and says he is like her son. Pragya goes to her room and is sad.

Bulbul, Dadi and Purab follows Pragya. Pragya says her life has changed and she can’t tell Abhi that she has kept fast for him. She says Maa has broken relation with her and says she was right that there is no emotion in her life. She says she want to die and cries.

Dadi consoling Pragya and asks her not to cry. She says you kept this fast for Abhi’s long life and asks her to have faith on her love. She asks her not to forget about the sacrifices which she did for Abhi and says Abhi will get fruit for your doings. She asks her to aim at her motive and says you are also living this life with you. She asks her not to be sad and says Abhi came to her and said that he doesn’t believe any rituals and asks why did he fall in love? She says I cried, but saw happiness of you both. She says your sacrifices will help your husband come out of troubles and then people will give your examples. She says decision is yours now. Purab and Bulbul looks on.
Also Checkout:  Monday Update On Reach For The Stars Episode 212-224

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