Wednesday 22 March 2017

Movies & Series || Thursday Update On Twist Of Fate Episode 282-283

Abhi reminisces how Pragya rejected his love repeatedly and thinks she must be doing it for Tanu, so thinks how to find the truth. He sees alcohol bottle and takes a few sips, but acts as fully drunk. Pragya comes and asks why did he drink so much. He points at a hung heart pillow and says he is trying to break this heart since a long time, but could and since she is expert in breaking heart, she should do it. She asks him to calm down. He holds her and asks her to break it thinking it is his heart. He then gets romantic with her. Sayyara re sayyara…song. plays in the background.

Abhi falling on Pragya and acting inebriated. She asks him to stop acting as inebriated as she can read his eyes. He wakes up and asks if she can read his eyes, then why can’t she see his love and says she earlier expresses her love for him, but then said she was joking. She says she was really joking and says she came here to inform him that Tanu has agreed to get her pregnancy test. He says Tanu is lying. She says Tanu is not and asks if he will accept her if test comes positive. He asks if she will be able to face Daadi and others whom she gave pain and says he tolerated daadi’s tears once but cannot next time.

Tanu gets a call from her secretary who asks if she is coming for shooting tonight. She says yes and asks him to cancel her tomorrow’s shooting. She then stands in front of mirror and thinks what if Abhi finds she is not pregnant and reject her, she cannot completely trust even Pragya, so she should take Abhi to her people’s hospital.
Abhi and Pragya star each other and get engrasped in their own weird thoughts. Abhi thinks tomorrow Tanu’s truth will come out. Pragya thinks she will have to force Abhi and Daadi to accept Tanu and her child. She then feels guilty for confronting daadi, goes and stands outside her room. Daadi feels her presence and feels sad reminiscing her misbehavior.

Akash sees Rachna carrying heavy table and shouts at family who asked her to carry it. Mitali says she heard daadi asking to move it aside. Pragya starts misbehaving with Daadi and shouts that she even after knowing Rachna is pregnant asked her to lift weight as she does not like it. Daadi says she did not and says she does not like anyone talking to her like this and even she cannot. Pragya continues. Daadi asks her to ask Racha to tell if she told her. Akash asks Rachna (who was standing like a dumb puppet) says daadi not and she herself picked weight thinking of getting into Daadi’s good books. Pragya walks out without apologizing daadi. Daadi feels sad.
Abhi stops Pragya and asks why did she hurt daadi when he told not to until Tanu’s pregnancy results come. She says she wants daadi to hate her just like he is hating her and says they are getting late for the test. He repeats that Tanu is lying, but she is adamant (gosh..she is a professor but acts more dumber than a villager).
Abhi with Pragya reaches Tanu’s house and gets her into car. She yells that he has changed after coming back from kidnap and continues. Abhi gets his friend’s call and he asks if doc is available. Friend says yes. Tanu asks which doc he is taking taking her to. He says animal’s and asks if she is afraid. She nervously says no.
They reach clinic. Tanu asks Abhi why did he bring her here and says she wants to know who the doc is. He asks if she wants to change the report. She asks why is he behaving rude with her. He says she is and goes to meet doc. Tanu gets tensed and asks wardboy who is this clinic’s owner. Wardboy says he does not remember. Pragya asks why is she looking so tensed. Tanu says if her pregnany news is out and Abhi does not accept her, her career will be finished. Dumb Pragya asks not to worry as she will take care of her. Nurse informs that doc is calling her.

Pragya taking Tanu to doc’s room. Doc identifies her as Abhi’s wife and says why did not Abhi tell that he is sending his wife for pregnancy test and says all Abhi’s fan would love seeing a junior Abhi. Abhi enters room. Doc says he is different and he would told his wife is pregnant. He sends Pragya to get the test done. Tanu walks along with her. Abhi says Tanu that he knows she is not pregnant. Dumb Pragya thinks how can he know if she is pregnant (became professor without reading basic primary school biological lessons…)…
Tanu asks male nurse to tell where is lab. He asks the reason. She says her tummy is swelling. He asks if she has gas problem. Abhi and Pragya laugh hearing that. Tanu holds her head. He asks if she has headache. She fumes while Abhi and Pragya laugh.
Akash tells asks Rachna (who surpassed 21 month’s elephant gestational period.) how is she feeling. She says she is fine, but Pragya is behaving weired, when she told daadi did not oder her to pick weight, Pragya did not apologize daadi for misbehavior at all. Akash says something is wrong and if bhabhi is in trouble he will help her for sure.

Sarla sees Tanu in hospital and asks what is she doing here. Tanu says she came with a friend and asks her why is she here. Sarla says she came for Bulbul’s dressing change.
Doc asks Pragya to accompany her for the test. Pragya gets nervous. Abhi asks Tanu to accompany her. Doc says it is pregnancy test and not a joke. Abhi says even Tanu wants her test done. Doc says it cannot be done like that. He says Tanu was insisting to get her test done. A few more hilarious moments continue.

Abhi sees Sarla and hides under steps. He then runs and sleeps on stretcher. Peon thinks other peon has left dead body out and take him. His friend asks who is this. He says patient who was ill for 3 months died and his family did not come to pick him. He takes him to morgue where Abhi wakes up. Peon thinks him as ghost and panics. Abhi runs from there.

Daadi sadly remembers Pragya’s misbehavior. Rachna comes to her room and requests to forgive her. She says she did not want to marry Akash without her consent, so she rejected him many times. Pragya got her married to Akash forcefully thinking about her pregnancy and child, so she is not the culprit. She asks if she will punish even her child. Daadi calls and hugs her and says she is not angry on her, but on Pragya.
Sarla comes to lab and knocks door to open. Pragya sees her and gets tensed.

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