Monday 19 June 2017

Tuesday Update On Twist Of Fate Episode 438-439

Abhi is watching TV and laughs. Pragya asks him to lower the volume. Abhi thinks he shall not mess with Pragya until he gets POA papers. Pragya gives him tablet and asks him to take it before sleep. Abhi thanks her. Pragya thanks him for supporting her and protecting her from getting insulted. Abhi asks her not to thank him, and asks her to do a favor. He asks her to give all drawer keys to her. Pragya asks him not to worry and says she will not go anywhere. Pragya asks him to see the arrangements. Abhi says he will not look in the arrangements and says he will only eat medicine. Abhi thinks he wants to keep pragya busy and says lets see what I do tomorrow.

Dadi asks Ronnie to bring fresh flowers. Mitali comes. Dadi asks her if she has done her work. Mitali says she forgot. Dadi asks Tai ji if she send the cards to guests. Tai ji says she will do it now. Dadi says it seems I have to do all the work. Pragya is sitting on sofa and pretends to be reading magazine. Abhi thinks how to keep her busy so that he can do his work.

Abhi comes to Dasi and tells her that Pragya is reading magazine and making Dadi do all the work. He asks her to make Pragya do some work. Dasi comes to Pragya and asks if she is not having any shame. She says today is your sister’s reception. Pragya says I have done my work and gave money. Dasi stops everyone and says no one will work until Pragya works. Pragya says I thought to gift you freedom, but I think you don’t want that. She asks Mitali to do the decoration again. Tanu tells Aaliya that Pragya might give them work also. Aaliya says I will not go and thinks he has to bring Vijay inside.
Abhi telling the workers to take out the almari fast else he will cut their money. He comes back to room. Pragya asks from where this voice is coming and goes inside. She asks what they are doing? Abhi takes her to room and says he is throwing the old cupboard to make way to new. He says he is not talking about her as her expiry date is not near. Pragya thinks this act is to get that papers and asks if he asked someone before buying new furniture. She asks him not to touch her cupboard and says there is something important inside. Abhi says he has many important things inside, and asks her not to argue else he will make her expiry nearer. The workers tell that the work is done. Abhi gets the papers and is happy. Pragya thinks what to do as he got the papers. Abhi kisses on the papers. She says he got Alladin’s lamp and I have to do something before he makes use of it. Abhi comes back to room and thinks to hide the papers before Pragya returns. He hides the papers in the lamp and then hides beneath the blanket. Pragya peeps in the room. Abhi then makes a small hole inside bed and hides the papers. He thinks Pragya can’t find these papers. Pragya thinks she has to get the papers immediately. Aaliya does her make up and thinks she is looking perfect. Tanu asks if you are getting ready for their reception. Aaliya says yes and says she is not having any problem. Tanu says I can help you. Aaliya says I will do alone. Tanu says how you will fight with them all alone…Aaliya asks her to go.

Purab makes Bulbul wear the pearls necklace. Aaliya comes to their room. She gives a gift to them from her side. She says I pray to God for your happiness. Bulbul takes the gift. Aaliya thanks them and smirks before leaving.

Abhi sees Pragya doing her make up and asks if she will scare kids. Pragya says if you think yourself as a child. Abhi says he is talking about kids. He asks her to go from there till he comes back. Pragya thinks to steal the papers and tries removing the tape sealing the bed. Abhi comes just then and asks what she is doing? Pragya says she is searching her earring. Abhi sits on bed. Pragya asks what you are hiding? Abhi says when I can’t hide my feelings then what else can I hide? Pragya asks him to go and change his suit. Abhi says he will wear other suit in her farewell. He then tells that he will not make her leave if he gets back everything. He says who will clean this room, get torture by myself etc. Pragya says she will see him after reception. Abhi says he is going downstairs and asks her to come. Pragya then closes the door, gets the papers back from bed. She thinks to hide the papers. She replaces the papers and seals the bed.

Abhi and Pragya welcome the guest. Abhi says he has to think of a new name for her soon. He says your villian giri will be soon over, and says he hit the jackpot. He says your intelligence will be gone soon. Pragya says she will tell everything to Tanu. Abhi says this idea is of Tanu. Pragya says she is PhD in fooling people. Aaliya thinks how to make them move from the place so that she can allow Vijay to come inside. Abhi welcomes Sarla and Jhanki. Tanu asks Aaliya why you are standing alone. Aaliya says I was thinking about you, and says Abhi is spending time with Pragya. Tanu says I will go to Abhi now and will prove that he loves me. She asks Abhi to come as she needs to talk. Pragya asks Abhi not to go. Abhi says his to be wife is calling him, and asks who is she? Pragya gets sad. Aaliya thinks if Pragya goes from there, then she will call and asks Vijay to come. Survi comes and talks to Pragya. Pragya asks Ronnie and Payal not to let anyone enter the party without checking the invitation.
Just then Vijay comes indisguise of a sardar and says he is from catering dept. Ronnie calls Pragya and lets Vijay inside. Survi talks about Karthik and says she is shifting to other city. Abhi comes and asks pragya to welcome the guests. Pragya signs him to see Survi. Abhi asks her about Karthik. Pragya tells him that survi is leaving the city. Abhi asks Pragya to stop Survi till he comes back. He calls Karthik and asks how is he? Karthik says he is fine. Abhi asks if everything is fine between you and Survi. Abhi says she is here. Karthik thanks him and says he will come there. Pragya makes Survi understand about the real life partner and asks her not to make a sudden decision. Survi says your own partner start walking on wrong path if circumstances are wrong, and says who can know better than you. Pragya looks on.

Dasi teasing Bulbul for feeling shy. Purab also teases, but she pinches him. Aliya gifts them and wishes them best for their married life. Dadi can’t believe it. Pragya says she told her once Purab and Bulbul get married, Aliya will have to accept that her marriage is not possible with Purab.

Aliya wonders where Vijay is. He comes from behind. She asks him to finish his work fast. He tells her there are so many people around, but not to be tensed. It’ll be done.

Aliya goes to Purab and Bulbul and tell them enough of their drama. All are confused and shocked. Aliya says she will have to tell their secret to everyone now. Dadi asks what secret? Aliya says that..they are number one boring couple. It looks like they are in someone else’s reception.
She gives them punishment of dancing with each other.

Purab and Bulbul dance romantically on Gerua song. Abhi imagines him and Pragya dancing as well. Tanu comes to him and breaks his imagination. She asks whether he took papers back. He says yes. Tanu gets happy. She goes. Abhi and Pragya look at each other. Pragya thinks he is so good but then why he’s getting trapped in Tanu’s talks. Then she says it’s not his fault. He believes anyone, but she won’t get trapped. He made her sign on property papers, but she won’t sign divorce papers. She will make sure she frees him from his enemies. Abhi thinks he’s doing all for her. Once he gets everything back, he will put a condition that if she wants to stay with him, then she has to stay as fuggi. He then thinks even if his fuggi is back, he will have to marry Tanu.

Dance finishes. All clap for Bulbul and Purab.
Later, Bulbul wonders why there is no effect on Aliya. She’s behaving so normal and was looking happiest person there. She thinks not to think about that and heads back to the function.

Bulbul was going around thinking happily of he marriage then she heard some one talking about killing Pragya but they disappeared when she reach there.

Abhi was thinking how happy he’s by getting the papers and after party he’ll tell Mogambo
but in the time being he should do something to irritates her,celebrate his victory and entertain guests so he pulled Pragya to the dance floor and when she wanted to protest he pressed her nose and they start to dance very romantically [while dance Tanu got upset,Daddy very happy and Bulbul thinking she can’t tell her sister what she heard because she looks happy and she going to be upset]

Bulbul thinking who could want her sister died mention each one to see possibility and if she should tell Purab or not while he’s trying to make her happy and decide not to .
the bits from today the poison part Pragya was doing a plate to eat and Abhi took it from her then Vijay pass by them too a plate of food and add poison and sent it to Pragya but Abhi snatch from her had so it spoiled

Last part very short just Alyia and Vijaiy was talking about he has to complete his work and kill Pragya and he said don’t worry once he aim he shoots

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