Tuesday 23 May 2017

Wednesday Update On Twist Of Fate Episode 400-401

Dadi asks Sarla if she is ready to do dhamaal at dandiya dance. . Sarla says kids will do dhamaal. Dadi asks about Bulbul. Bulbul falls down and her leg gets hurt. Purab asks Jhanki to take Bulbul home. Bulbul asks him to keep her informed about the dhamaal. Abhi asks Pragya to back off. Pragya says she will make dandiya as her sword and dance. They play dandiya and fight while dancing. Dhol baaje plays……………………..Pragya recalls previous year celebrations. Abhi looks at her. Pragya gets uncomfortable and stops dancing. Someone compliments Pragya on her dancing.

Announcement is made for the dandiya competition. Vijay collides with Dasi and she scolds him. Raj tries to stop him. Vijay says he is playing ravan. Dasi asks him to practise. Raj thinks this man is crazy and I shall take care of him. Tanu thinks how to dance and decides to send Nikhil to room. She signs him to go. Mitali sees and thinks Tanu is signing Dasi.

Mitali tells Raj to play dandiya with her. Raj seems uninterested. Pragya and everyone are busy seeing dandiya dance. Abhi comes to Pragya and pats on her shoulder. Pragya asks what? abhi says i came to tell you that you are so alone. Pragya says people will be away on heights. Pragya thinks she is helplessly doing this for him. she says it is her choice to stand alone and not helplessness. She asks Ronnie to bring food for her. Ronnie brings it. Abhi says people care for rich people, but only relations stand irrespective of the status. He excuses himself. Dadi and Dasi look at the girls who were dancing. Abhi asks about Tanu, and meets Vijay. He asks if he saw fair girl here. Vijay says no and gives him prasad. He asks about the crackers. Vijay says it is for the festival. Vijay thinks his eyes are on Pragya.

He thinks he has to find some other way to kill Pragya. Someone compliments Tanu and asks why she is wearing ghunghat and dancing. Tanu says she don’t want to be distracted. Pragya tells Dadi that her mood is off and Abhi talked to her. Abhi comes back and thinks where is Tanu. She sees a lady dancing and thinks she might be Tanu. He then ignores his doubt. Abhi comes on stage to dance. Ronnie thinks this dancer is dancing good and I have to see her face. He picks up her veil shocking everyone.

Everyone getting shocked seeing Tanu dancing under a veil in the dandiya competition. Dasi tells Dadi that this girl is Tanu. Raj thinks she is gone. Abhi asks what you were doing here and says I told you that this baby is important for me. He says I sacrificed my marriage and love for you and for this baby. He asks why did you put your life at risked. Tanu says I have done this because of you. She says you are helpless and thought to earn money for you. She says I thought you can fight case against Pragya with this money and you are calling me selfish. Abhi asks how can you put baby on risked. Tanu cries and says she needs money for some test. She says I have been doing this for my baby. Abhi says I would have arrange or beg money from someone. Pragya thinks she is lying.
Tanu says Pragya is at mistake and goes.

Abhi looks angrily and comes to room. He pushes Pragya on bed and asks if she is at peace now by spoiling his relation with Tanu. He says you have proved today that you can do anything. Pragya says I didn’t force her to dance. Abhi says she used to earn lakhs of rupees from modelling and blames her. Pragya says she would have asked money from me if she really wants and says I paid her hospital bill also. Abhi says you are very greedy and have crossed all limits today. He says you have put the baby in danger for whom, I have promised my fuggi. Pragya gets teary eyes. Abhi says you can’t spoil my relation with her as she is standing with me when no one is with me. I will never leave her. Pragya cries and thinks she can’t bear his hatredness.

Purab comes to Abhi and asks what happened? Abhi asks about Bulbul. Purab says I asked Bulbul to rest as her legs were swollen. Abhi says I am getting bored. Pragya comes and asks him to give speech at the start of Ram Leela. Abhi says I am not interested and says he will not get any profit. Purab asks him to give speech else his name will be spoiled. Abhi says she didn’t ask me before committing to sponsors. Pragya says you said that you will give speech. Dadi comes and asks what happened? Pragya tells her that Abhi has refused to give speech. Abhi asks her not to take Pragya’s side. Dadi tries to convince him and says you are not like others, and praises him. Abhi melts down seeing Dadi asking him. Abhi says yes, I will give speech which will make everyone speechless.
Vijay tells Raj that his work is done, and asks him to bring Pragya during last scene when Ram and Ravan will be fighting. Raj agrees. Vijay says it is my plan to end Pragya’s story.

Nikhil is still waiting for Tanu in Aaliya’s room and thinks to wait. He then thinks she might lied to me, to keep me away from her and dandiya. He says I will not leave her and she is taking advantage of the space which I have given her. I will not bear anymore.

Taiji and Mitali see Ram Leela. Mitali asks her to see her favorite character Suparnakha. Abhi says everything is boring without a rock performance. Pragya says it will come in end when Ravan is lighted with fire. He asks about the time of Ram Leela. Pragya says it will go on for 2 more hours. Abhi says I will sleep till then. Nikhil comes and wonders what happened here? He asks about Tanu. Payal informs him that Abhi scolded Tanu when she was playing dandiya. Nikhil goes and searches her everywhere. He wonders where is she? Abhi takes a quick nap. Pragya goes to get her phone. Pragya tells Payal that her boss is falling. Payal holds him and thinks he is strange. She thinks what he is hearing and wear ear plug. She hears Abhi listening to rock music and transfers bhajan in his phone. Abhi wakes up hearing bhajan and asks Payal. Payal tells God punishes us if we listen rock music during Ram Leela.

Nikhil spots Tanu sitting in one of the room. Tanu wipes her tears. Nikhil says I have been waiting for you in that wrong room and you were playing dandiya happily. He asks her to think about his baby and calls her selfish. Tanu says she will dance and says nobody asked why I am doing this? Nikhil asks her to share her heart talk. Tanu says you can’t help me. Nikhil insists. Tanu tells that she needs 5 lakhs rupees. Nikhil asks why you do you want? Tanu says you can’t take care of my needs and want me to marry you. Nikhil says you loves money and says I will give you 5 Lakhs rupees. He asks will you come back to me. Tanu says she is marrying Abhi for money and his half of the money will be hers once she marries him. She says I will then come back to you. She says we have to end Pragya for that, and says she needs money to give to the killer. Nikhil is shocked. Tanu asks him to decide.

Pragya is coming towards that room. Nikhil agrees to give money for their relation. Tanu hugs him and thanks him. Nikhil asks her not to lie to him. Tanu promises and thinks she don’t want to see his face, leave marriage aside. Pragya comes just then. Nikhil asks Tanu to stop crying and gives her tissue. He asks her to smile. Tanu gets shocked seeing Pragya.

Pragya asking Nikhil and Tanu, what they were doing in room. Nikhil says he was just passing from there and saw Tanu crying. He says Tanu told him that Abhi scolded her badly. He asks Pragya to make her understand. Tanu blames Pragya and holds her responsible as Abhi scolded and insulted her. Nikhil says it is your personal matter and I shall not interfere. Tanu says you came here to see me crying and in pain, but you can’t separate me and Abhi as we love each other. She says do whatever you want. Abhi is mine and will always be mine. Pragya thinks what was Nikhil doing here with Tanu. She recalls seeing Nikhil before with Tanu. She thinks if he is the father of Tanu’s baby and thinks to keep an eye on him. Payal and Ronnie talk about Pragya and Abhi. Payal says
I need some money, but Abhi can’t give. Ronnie says I will ask Pragya. Payal refuses to take her help. She says they shall be together as they really love each other. Payal says we shall do something to unite them. Ronnie says so you will help me. Payal says it is my plan. Payal says it is mission Abhigya……….Ronnie likes the name Abhigya.

Abhi gets bored during Ram Leela and asks Payal about Pragya. Payal praises Pragya. Abhi asks why she is praising her. Payal says whenever you call her lady mogambo, it shows love for her. Abhi says there is no logic in your talk and asks her to become hen. Purab comes and says she is right, and whenever we love someone then we gave nickname to the person. He asks did you give nickname to Tanu. Abhi looks on.

Raj asks Vijay, if he has done his work. Vijay says Pragya shall come near the idol and her work will be done. Everything will think that it was an accident and asks him to bring Pragya near the durga mata idol. Raj gets tensed. He comes near the idol and throws oil from the lamp. He asks Mitali to fill oil in the lamp. Pragya asks her to leave it and says she will see. Raj signs Vijay. Payal happens to see Vijay holding the rope. Raj signs him to cut the rope. Abhi follows Pragya and goes near the idol. Raj signs Vijay to stop. Pragya asks him to leave chappal and argues. He leaves. Raj signs Vijay to cut the rope. Abhi calls Pragya and sees big bell falling on Pragya. He walks and puts leg on the oil. Somehow he manages to save Pragya. The bell falls on other side. Pragya falls on Abhi. She gets up and sees her maang filled with sindoor. Raja Ram plays…………………….

Everyone rushes there and see the bell down, and Pragya and Abhi standing. Sarla asks Pragya, if she is hurt? She says I forgot that she is not my daughter…..and cries. Mitali says how it can fall. Payal tells that she has seen someone there and points finger on Vijay. Vijay says he is innocent. Abhi says Payal isn’t lying and doubts on Vijay. Vijay says you can accuse me as I am poor and starts acting. Payal says he is lying. Dadi says may be he is saying truth. Abhi says it might be an accident and asks everyone to come out as Ravan is waiting. Purab asks Payal, if she is sure. Payal says yes. Purab asks her to keep an eye on him.

Tanu and Raj argue as Abhi saved Pragya at the last min. Raj says we will not talk about it anymore. Tanu says it is over, you mean we will not kill her today. She says Pragya has to die today. She says she will die or kill her. Raj says if we don’t get successful then we will be caught. He asks her not to do any mistake.

Pragya asks Dadi why she has come here. Pragya says she is fine and says nothing can happen to me. Dadi says who sent you there. Pragya says whatever has happened is for good, and says Abhi saved her and also fulfilled all the rituals of marriage by filling kumkum in her maang. Dadi says you might felt good and asks her to think about staying with Abhi for forever. She says she has a doubt on someone and asks not to tell anyone.

Ram Leela coming to an end. Dadi says we have enjoyed it. Mitali says last part wasn’t done. Dasi asks her to stand with Ravan’s statue and says it would be fun to burn statue with you. Everyone laugh. Abhi and Purab agrue. Pragya calls Abhi. He says coming lady mogambo. Payal tells him that this nickname is showing love towards Pragya. Abhi looks on. Pragya asks him to give prizes. Pragya asks Payal and Ronnie to announce the winners. Abhi gives prizes to all the participants and jokes. Dadi announces everyone to be here as Ravan Dahan would be happening in some time. Raj meets Vijay, and he asks for money. Raj says are you joking, work is not done. Vijay says I have done my part, and asks him to give. Raj says it was a contract for murder, she didn’t get even a scratch. Payal brings Purab to the place and says she heard that man coming there. Raj tells Vijay that work is not done, and asks him to go. Purab and Payal see Raj talking on phone. Vijay hides. Purab asks Raj to come. Vijay asks him to give money. Raj refuses and asks him to go. Vijay gets angry and says he will do his work.

Abhi talks to the doll and asks what do lady mogambo wants? He asks fuggi, don’t you love me? He asks her to kiss for motivation. Pragya hears him. Abhi looks at her and asks why she has interrupted two love birds, calls her a villian. Pragya says I don’t have time for your nonsense. He asks when Ravan is lighted with fire, will you cry? Pragya says I don’t have time for nonsense. He asks if you have given nickname to anyone. Pragya says no, and says with two names, it will be two personalities. Abhi asks her tell why he couldn’t be able to hate her. Pragya replies to him that she is bad and not him. Allah Wariyan plays...........

Also Read:  Wednesday Update On Reach For The Stars Episode 204-206

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