Friday 17 March 2017

Movies & Series || Monday Update On Twist Of Fate Episode 273-274

Abhi pinning Pragya. He takes his mouth towards her, says she is lying and asks what is she hiding. She says she is not lying and says his seduction will not affect her feelings. He says he will seduce her and make her feel his presence everywhere. She thinks he does not know howmuch she misses him and runs from there. She thinks why she has to go away from him telling he does not love him, she is more in pain than him and she may not get out of this pain.

Pragya goes to Daadi’s room and sees her picking pillows. She says she would have asked servants or her. Daadi says it is simple work, makes her sit and says soon her responsibilities will increase. Pragya asks what responsibilities. Daadi says Abhi was very mischievous in childhood, but she never hit him as he used to smile when caught and she used to forget his mischief. Abhi is childhood is gone now, so she wants a grandchild who can smile like Abhi and she can run behind him. She says she has lived her life and wants to see Abhi’s childhood agian. She says when she will become mother, Abhi will respect her even more as she will give him happiness of becoming a father. Even motherhood is a great responsibility. She continues that Pragya will give her moral values in her child and will make him a better person than Abhi. She says she knows Pragya can do this. She sadly says she thinks she may die before seeing her great grandchild as she is too old. She apologizes for insisting to get a grandchild and says it is her last wish. She holds Pragya’s hands and asks if she will fulfill her responsibility. Pragya comes out of Daadi’s room and reminisces Daadi’s words. She thinks she has lost hope in herself, then how can she fulfill daadi’s wish. She reminisces Tanu that Abhi will not give her happiness of motherhood as he aldread made her mother. She thinks for this family’s future, she has to bring Tanu’s chid home and give daadi her happiness. Abhi sees her walking out and thinks it is good if she keeps away from him.

Tanu calls someone, but he does not pick call. She panics and thinks if she should take Abhi’s help or get h erself aborted. She picks phone, dials doc and says she has decided to abort her child after 3 days. She requests doc not to let anyone know that she is pregnant. Pragya comes here and is shocked to hear that. Tanu turns back and sees Pragya. Pragya asks how can she get her child aborted. Tanu asks her to stop her moral gyaan and says society does not like unmarried pregnant woman, especially if she is a model. Pragya asks how can she abort her child. Tanu says it is her child and she iwll have to do it. Pragya she will not let her abort. Tanu says she ruined her life and she should be happy instead that child is getting away from her life and celebrate. She shouts that Abhi kicked her out of room and is not picking call and asks if she told Abhi that she si pregnant. PRagya says she did not. Tanu asks why did he drink so much and asks what did she tell Abhi then.

Pragya tells Tanu that she lied Abhi that she does not love Abhi and she did it for this child as love, relationships, etc., are not more than life and she can let the child killed for her happiness. She cannot give a heir to daadi as Abhi hates her and loves Tanu. She wants to give this child to Abhi’s family as it is their legal heir. Tanu is surprised to hear that. She asks if her child will get Abhi’s name and asks how will it happen. She asks if she wants to keep this child in for 9 months and ruin her career and when the child is born, she will take this child to daadi and tell this is Abhi’s son. She asks when she is Abhi’s wife, why will they accept her child and says until she is related to Abhi, her child will not get name. This is her problem and she will find a solution. Pragya says her problem will increase and requests her to give some time to find a way, but not abort this child.

Tanu gets Abhi’s call. Pragya pleads to believe her. Abhi hears her voice and asks Tanu if Pragya is there. Tanu says she is not here. He asks why did she call her, if she has some work. She says very important work and asks to come and meet her. He says he will meet her tomorrow. Tanu then tells Pragya that she has 3 days and if she cannot do anything, she will abort this child, she will not tell about her pregnany to Abhi or anyone as she cannot take risk her and her child’s future. Pragya says she will find a way till then, thanks her and leaves. Tanu thinks if she will give her child Abhi’s name or is playing, anways in 3 days everything will be cleared.

Pragya walking on the road reminiscing Daadi’s request to give her a great grandchild and Tanu telling Abhi’s family will never accept her child until she is Abhi’s wife. She thinks she will have to give her place to Tanu to get her child accepted. She thinks she cannot give them child reminiscing Abhi telling he hates her and continues walking on road.
Tauji sees Taiji walking tensely and asks to sit, else she will blame him for losing weight. She says she is tensed as one son is in jail and another is missing. Tauji thinks sons have gone on Taiji, so they are weird. Mitali comes and asks why is she tensed. Taiji says she is tensed as she has a bahu like her. Daadi comes and asks if she is tensed for Akash and says Abhi will bring him back. Abhi calls Akash’s friends and everybody says Akash is not with them. He asks Taiji to relax. Pragya comes back home. Akash comes inebriated and starts drama.

Abhi goes to Aaliya’s room and asks how is she. She says he is ignoring him now a days. He says she can call him. She says she tried his number many times, but he did not pick call. She came to his room 2 days ago, but came to know he is in their apartment. She continues that Tanu has not eaten since 2 days after he asked her to get out and says he has to at least tell his decision to Tanu, she will crib for some days but will eventually keep quiet. She asks what is happening with him. He says for anything he has to take Daadi’s permission and he has lost faith on relationship. Pragya comes near door and hears their conversation. Aaliya continues her blah blah blah…. He says he is very confused and does not know what to do, he is fed up of his marriage and cannot kick Pragya out because of Daadi. Pragya thinks Abhi went against her when she told she does not love him, so she has to use same kind of trick and make whole family against her.

In the morning, daadi calls whole family. Akash does not come. She asks Taiji to call Akash. Akash comes and says he is ashamed of his yesterday’s mistake and promises he will never drink. Daadi says he will be punished and his punishment is he should marry tomorrow. Akash is shocked to hear that. Daadi says she knows he loves Rachna, but she rejected his pleas many times, so now she wants him to marry the girl she selects. He agrees and says he will marry the girl she selects. Daadi asks Taiji if she is happy. She says she is but how will the marriage happen tomorrow. Abhi says Daadi must have thought well. Daadi asks taiji to call her selected girls’s parents.

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