Friday 10 March 2017

Movies & Series || Monday Update On Twist Of Fate Episode 263-264

Purab tells Pragya if she doesn’t do this show, then some other model, Tanu might do it. He says it’s final she will do it and asks her to start rehearsing today. He gets call from Abhi. Abhi wants to stay at his place tonight as he can’t face Pragya. Purab says ok. Purab then comes to Pragya and tells her Abhi is coming, so she will have to go. She asks why. He says because he can’t answer to her question and avoiding her. He suggests she should do the promo shoot. Pragya leaves.

Aaliya shares her happiness with Tanu that Purab hugged her. Tanu asks how did that happen. Aaliya lies because she showed concern for Bulbul. Tanu says she always said everything will be fine. Today he hugged, soon he will start loving her. Aaliya says in her mind if she had told her the truth that she’s helping Purab to bring Abhi and Pragya together, then she would not let that happen and she can’t miss chance getting closer to Purab.

Sarla comes to Bulbul and tries to get her up all different ways. Biji consoles Sarla. Producer asks Pragya to get ready fast. It’s time. Pragya is afraid how all this will happen. A make-up artist comes with all short clothes. She throws them all away saying some are kids’, some are incomplete. She calls Purab and asks him to come here. Purab comes. She asks him what kind of clothes are those. Purab scolds the makeup artist and tells him to bring saree or gown. He tells Pragya she can’t give up. Everyone has confidence in her, she should keep faith in herself too. She was so nervous when proposing him, but she did it. She says what if something goes wrong, what if he doesn’t like. He tells her to calm down and not to think about second step without taking first step. She’s doing this for his happiness. He may scold, but that’s not a big deal. If she thinks she’s doing it for Abhi, then she will do it perfectly. Pragya agrees. She says, I can do it. I will do it. Purab says that’s the spirit. Love is her strength, and Abhi is her goal. Keep love in heart and goal in front of eyes and then she will be successful. Pragya is happy. Purab tells the makeup artist to do her make up like a super model.

Purab meets Aaliya outside and asks about the model who will be Pragya’s partner. She says she brought such a model that everyone will keep looking at him. Purab holds her hand and thanks her for being there as a friend and helping him. She smiles.
Abhi arrives. Media takes his interview and aska about launching a new model. Abhi says he doesn’t know. Media ask how come he doesn’t know. He then says it’s a surprise. Later, he comes to Purab and asks him about new model. Purab says he didn’t know either. He can ask the producer. Abhi says he doesn’t care who the model is. Purab asks why is that? has he developed feeelings for someone? Abhi thinks about Pragya. He asks Purab why he’s saying that. Purab says because when he was with Tanu, he was so excited to meet new models.
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 Abhi comes inside his van and is annoyed with media. Aaliya comes and asks him what’s wrong. Is he missing Tanu? Should she call her? Abhi says leave it and goes for the show.
Abhi joins everyone. Press takes his interview about the new album. Abhi says after his accident, his view of looking at music is changed. So in this album, with love, he will talk about depth and feelings of love as well. Press asks so that means he started understanding love after that incident and it happened because his wife was with him? Abhi says he will leave that to his fans. They can watch album and decide. Press says they want to hear it from it. Abhi says love is love, you don’t need to say anything. His fans love him and they will understand him. Purab is impressed. Press asks about the new model. He tells them to see her themselves. Abhi thinks why he’s getting so bored. He feels as if he’s missing someone. The producer introduces the new model. All press run to take her photos. Abhi is shocked to see Pragya in a model’s dress. He can’t believe what he just saw.

Purab smiles seeing Abhi surprised. Abhi goes closer to look at Pragya. He seems little mad seeing Pragya dancing with her partner. Purab takes him to a side.
He tells Abhi he said he doesn’t know new model and he’s secretly promoting his wife. Amazing. Abhi says what amazing? He didn’t know for real. Purab says he knows it’s his old habit of hiding things. He did same when launching Tanu. He tells Abhi that he did right thing by launching Pragya and asks him to look at Pragya, she looks so hot. Even her partner seems to be liking her the way he’s giving poses with her. He tells Abhi he must be feeling proud that his wife is modeling. Abhi says what proud? His album is getting launched and everyone is giving all attention to Pragya and her partner. And them too, giving poses as if their film is launching. Purab says they two are looking good together, so media will take their pictures. He should know it. Press asks Pragya whose idea it was to launch her. And they heard she doesn’t like glamour world? How she said yes for becoming model. Pragya is speechless. Purab and Abhi come there. Purab says Abhi will answer all questions, but not now. Right now they have to do the promo shoot. Pragya is tensed.

Sarla insisting to meeting Bulbul. Biji stops her and says once nurse changes Bulbul’s dressing, she can meet her. Sarla enters after dressing change and nurse asks her not to worry as Bulbul is not feeling any pain at all.
Abhi objects Pragya’s modelling in advertisement. Director says she is perfect for this ad and if he wants, he will change model. Purab asks Abhi why is he interrupting shooting when he does not care about Pragya. Abhi says he does not care. Purab thinks he is getting jealous now and smiles.

Tanu comes to shooting venue and asks where is Abhi. Aaliya sees her and thinks she will create problem now. Tanu says Abhi made Pragya model of his ad instead of her, how can he do that. Aaliya thinks she knows everything and to shoo her off acts as getting surprised and asks her to go home while she stops Pragya. Tanu says she will not and starts shouting Abhi’s name. Aaliya says Abhi is a rockstar and not common man that she is shouting his name and asks her to stay here. Abhi on the other side walks jealously. Purab asks him why is he feeling jealous. Aaliya comes and tells Purab that Tanu has come and wants to met Abhi. Pragya is seen getting nervous and thinking Purab dragged her into modelling unnecessarily and does not know if he is really helping or not. She gets into vanity van.

Tanu knocks Abhi’s vanity van door and shouts his name. Purab tries to stop her and says it was producer’s plan to make Pragya a model and not Abhi’s and says Abhi is resting and she cannot disturb him. Pragya and Abhi come out just then and Abhi says he does not want his wife to wait outside, so he let her in. He takes her out while Tanu continues yelling.

Abhi gets intoanother vanity van. Pragya gets in, looks at mirror and thinks Purab spoilt her hair and made it look like a bird nest. Abhi holding towel on his face thinks Purab has come and tells he was right Pragya was looking beautiful. Pragya is surprised hearing her praise and hides in changing room. He opens changing room and thinks he is seeing Pragya everywhere. He opens door again, but Pragya holds it. He forcefully opens it and realizes Pragya is really in. He drags her out and asks what is she doing in. She says he asked to get into bus and since all buses were looking same, she got in it. He thinks not to scold her. He holds her tightly and says she does not know what people will tell looking her in this dress. She asks what. He continues staring at her and says nothing important. He asks if she heard what she said. She says yes. Tanu comes again and starts shouting his name. He asks Pragya to go from backdoor while he makes Tanu busy.

Abhi goes to shooting spot. Director explains him shot and asks how was it. Abhi asks him if he is director or not. He says yes he is. Abhi asks him to finish shooting soon as he is getting bore. Director takes model for rehearsal. Pragyya shows dialogues to Purab and says these are romantic dialogues and she cannot tell it to anyone except Abhi. Purab says she has to just act and has to do it to make Abhi’s album hit. Producer comes and praises him that his idea was fantastic, only Abhi’s wife can do justice to this ad and all music companies are waiting for this album. Purab says Pragya that once abhi’s album becomes hit, Abhi will thank her.

Aaliya asks Purab if their plan will work. He says it will and Abhi will propose Pragya for sure. She says Tanu has come here and will create problem. He says he wants Tanu to create problem as she will get into Abhi’s bad books and he will start hating her and love Pragya. Tanu comes and asks Aaliya that she heard Purab’s plan and will ruin it with her masterplan, after which Pragya will never come out of house. Aaliya asks her not to do anyting as Abhi’s album will flop and he will blame her, so she should go home. Tanu says even she wants Abhi’s album to hit, but cannot let Pragya get all the credit.

Pragya’s ad shooting starting. Director says action. Hero tells he really loves her and she was right. Pragya does not speak in nervousness. Director asks Purab to go and asks Pragya to tell her dialogues. He goes and asks why did not she tell her dialogues. She says she is feeling embarrassed when hero is telling romantic dialogues. He says she should think only she and Abhi are around and she is doing it for Abhi. Tanu smirks and thinks it is good Pragya is not speaking. Shooting starts again and hero tells his dialogues. Pragya again gets nervous.

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