Thursday 30 March 2017

Movies & Series || Friday Update On Twist Of Fate Episode 294-295

 Abhi getting ready for the party. Pragya asks what happened to you? Abhi tells that she is looking pale and asks her to dresses up good. Pragya refuses and asks are you mad? Abhi asks her to wear party dress. Pragya refuses. Abhi says if we don’t go there, then Dadi will inform about my childhood incident. Pragya says okay, she will change, but she have to tell the truth to Dadi.

Purab brings Bulbul to inaugurate his office and asks did you like it. Bulbul says she wants to do some changes. They argue sweetly. Bulbul says she wants to come to office, to make sure that he doesn’t flirt with anyone else. Nikhil comes to meet Purab. Purab is happy to see him and asks where were you? Nikhil says he is busy in career. They tell that they will meet each other in the party.
Taiji asks Mitali why you are happy? Mitali tells that she is happy as media will come and cover the function. Taiji says you should rebel, as dadi is doing injustice to you. Mitali says you are trying to provoke me. Taiji says you are a bomb, which will not explode. Mitali threatens her.

Doctor asks Dadi to take rest and says report have not come till now. Dadi says she got what she wanted. She tells that her bahu is pregnant and this news is like sanjeevani for her. Doctor insists not to stress herself. Dadi says lets go and dance, and calls Dasi and the doctor. Abhi and Pragya come downstairs. Dadi sees Pragya and compliments her beauty. Pragya says I want to tell you something. It is not like you are thinking. Dadi says I understood and tells about the surprise meant for her. She asks where is dhol……Everyone start dancing while the dhol plays to mark the happiness of Abhi’s baby.

Dadi gets dizzy and is about to fall down. Abhi holds her and asks why did you dance. Doctor asks why you are stressing yourself. Dasi tells Abhi that Dadi is not keeping well since Rachna’s marriage. Dadi tells that she is fine and there will be nothing in the report. Abhi asks her to go and rest. Doctor tells Abhi and pragya that she has doubt about Dadi’s health, and tells that overdose of happiness and excess sadness is injurious to health. Abhi stops the party. Pragya thinks she can’t tell the truth to Dadi now.
Dadi tells that she is fine. Abhi asks her to get well and tells that he has cancelled the party and sent all the guests home. Pragya looks at Dadi. Abhi tells that we didn’t need any reason to celebrate. We will celebrate first for Rachna and Akash’s baby. Dadi asks him to be happy and says she will do as she says. Dasi says we did forget that Rachna can deliver anytime. Dadi says we will plan a party for you. Tanu asks Mitali, why everyone is leaving.

Mitali tells that Party is cancelled as Dadi got an attack. Tanu thinks she was happy, then why did she get attack. Mitali asks why you are looking happy. Tanu says she is not and asks about the reason for Dadi’s attack. Mitali lies to her that Dadi came to know about her stay here. She asks her to tell the secret. Tanu looks on and asks Robin. Robin tells that Dadi’s health deteriorated so Abhi cancelled the party.
Abhi is sad. Pragya tells that she checked Dadi’s medicines and talked to her doctor. Abhi blames himself and repents for reading that report. He says don’t know where to go and seek help. He gets emotional and tells that he is feeling lonely while being with family. He feels bad as he couldn’t support the truth. Pragya tells everything will be fine. He says I can’t leave you nor my baby. Pragya and Abhi looks on.

Abhi telling Pragya that Dadi will not let him leave her. Pragya thinks to set everything fine. Saiyyara Re Saiyyara Re plays……………They have an eye lock. Tanu comes and asks what you both are doing? Planning for a second baby! She asks did you talk to Dadi. Pragya says Dadi isn’t well. Tanu says Dadi is always unwell, so you will not talk to her. Abhi holds Tanu angrily and calls her heartless woman. He says you loves me, but don’t care about my dadi. He says Pragya is everything for dadi and loves her very much. He says you are going to be a mum, but is not a woman. He asks her to be like Pragya atleast and says she is a perfect example of a woman. He asks her to learn something from Pragya, if not learn then atleast try to copy her. He says Pragya would not do the same thing like you. Tanu says she is a stupid, fool and etc.

Abhi says I know, but you are bl**dy selfish woman. I cares for others, but you don’t care. You have to become bahu of my family also, before becoming my wife, and have to give good values and upbringing to my child. Pragya loves my family as she knows that I loves them. She became my wife mistakenly, but she never did any mistake while becoming bahu of this house. Tanu says I also loves your family and respect them. Abhi asks her to proof and enjoy the celebration of Pragya’s baby. He asks can you do this? Tanu says okay, I will do for your happiness. He asks her not to tell anyone about the pregnancy truth and takes promise from her. Abhi says if you break this promise then I will break all my promises given to you.

Bulbul tells that she can’t believe and is flying high, and calls everyone. Beeji asks why you are shouting. Bulbul says she has a surprise for them and asks to make many dishes. Beeji asks her to give them clue. She says someone is going to come. Beeji says she will make food. Bulbul says he will not eat food. Bulbul says he will drink milk and says he is very small. Sarla asks did you meet Pragya? Bulbul says yes. Sarla says I knew that she was pregnant. Beeji gets angry and tells you didn’t tell me. They get angry. Sarla and Bulbul hug each other. Bulbul tells she is happy to become Maasi. She asks why you didn’t tell us and pretends to get angry. Sarla thinks she has to agree everyone.

Bulbul comes to Pragya’s house and thinks jiju is sleeping separately from Pragya. She opines that they might have a fight and slept separately. Abhi wakes up and sees baby toy with Pragya. He asks if the baby is born and gets up surprised. Bulbul says Pragya will look cute with the baby. She asks him not to fight with Pragya. Pragya wakes up and asks who kept this baby toy. Bulbul says jiju must have kept it and was imagining baby. Abhi says he didn’t keep it and is waiting for real baby. He runs out of the room.
Abhi comes to Dadi’s room and asks how is she? Dadi says she is absolutely fine. Dasi tells her that Bulbul told that he will leave the room in 5 mins. Abhi says she tease me purposefully. Dadi asks him to get Bulbul married as it is his responsibility. Abhi says he will get her married.

Bulbul and Pragya talk about baby. Bulbul says jiju wanted to see baby with you. Pragya smiles and gets shy thinking Abhi wants to have baby with her. Bulbul asks when did it happen? Pragya says she don’t want to tell. Bulbul says you are showing footage, so I will ask jiju. Pragya asks what you will ask? Bulbul tells that she will ask about the baby. Pragya says I didn’t know and runs from there. Bulbul thinks why she said that she didn’t remember. She wears the dupatta and thinks they might have got romantic at that time. Tanu comes there and sees her sitting with dupatta, mistakes her to be Pragya. She asks her to tell the truth to everyone. Tanu gets shocked seeing Pragya coming and sees Bulbul. She asks how come you are here and how did you get well? She says it is good that you are fine now. Bulbul asks Tanu about the promise made to jiju and asks what did Pragya know. Pragya asks Tanu to go and says she will do her work. Bulbul asks her to stop.

Pragya lying to Bulbul that she brought Tanu home as her house is burnt etc. Bulbul asks Tanu to tell the truth. Pragya gets an idea and tells that Tanu has a boyfriend. She wants to move on with him and she asked me to talk to him. Bulbul asks is Pragya saying the truth? Tanu says yes, no and then yes. Bulbul says it doesn’t affect me, if you have one or many boyfriends. It is good that you took Abhi out of your mind and blesses her. She goes to meet Abhi.

Tanu tells Pragya, why did you lied to Bulbul. Pragya says she couldn’t tell as Abhi didn’t know the truth. Tanu asks Pragya to restrict Bulbul from informing others about her boyfriend. Bulbul comes to Abhi. Abhi says you should have told me to go out of room. Bulbul says she twisted her finger to know the
truth. Abhi says you should be punished. Bulbul says I know about the secret. I know about your promise made to Tanu. Abhi asks how did you know? Bulbul says I spy on her. Abhi says so you know everything and has no problem. Bulbul says Tanu has a boyfriend now and she will not come between you and Pragya now. She says there is no danger now. She asks him to select that guy for Tanu. Abhi thinks Tanu has a boyfriend and I didn’t know. Bulbul asks him not to inform Tanu and Pragya. Abhi gets angry as they have hidden about Tanu’s boyfriend. Beeji gets ready. Sarla tells Pragya must be ready, we shall leave now. Beeji says we are going like far relatives, you had already blessed her. Sarla says we will talk later. Beeji talks about old news and fresh news. She gives example. Sarla tells it seems Beeji has grown old. Beeji says she will not tell them any fresh news in future. Sarla says she will get auto.

Abhi comes to room and stares Pragya and Tanu. He tells you both have hid a big fact from me. Abhi says you hide your boyfriend? Pragya says I don’t have any boyfriend. Abhi says he is talking about Tanu’s boyfriend. Tanu says I don’t have any boyfriend and shouts. Pragya tells Abhi that she told Bulbul about Tanu’s boyfriend, and lied to her. Tanu asks Abhi, will he believe on any nonsense from anyone. Abhi says she is Pragya’s sister. Tanu says she is not your sister. Abhi jokes with her, and says don’t dare to have any boyfriend, even a half and laughs. Sarla, Beeji and Jhanki come to meet Pragya. Beeji is happy over Pragya’s pregnancy. Jhanki says she reminiscence her childhood and tells that she took care of her and Purvi. Beeji says Jhanki knows everything. Sarla says Jhanki will teach you all. Beeji says your dadi will explain to him about child’s upbringing. You gave good news to your mum first. Pragya apologizes. Beeji asks her to inform first when baby is born.

Aaliya calls Purab. Purab tells her that he is busy and going to meet Abhi. She thinks she lost the chance to meet Purab and thinks why Abhi called him now. Dadi tells we shall get Bulbul married soon. Abhi says get her married later, but send her now. Bulbul comes and asks are they talking about her. She asks what Purab means to you. Abhi says he is like my brother. Bulbul asks what you can do for him, and asks can you gift this house to him. Abhi says he can give even his life to him, house is a small thing. Bulbul says I agree to marry Purab, as I will stay with my sweet didi and sweet jiju after marriage. Pragya gets tensed.

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