Thursday 2 March 2017

Movies & Series || Friday Update On Twist Of Fate Episode 255-256

 Bulbul asking Abhi to go and speak to Pragya. He hesistantly goes. Bulbul tells Purab Abhi and Pragya are behaving weird. Abhi goes near Pragya, calls her Pragya and runs from there. Purab says Bulbul she is right, Abhi called Pragya with her name instead of Fuggi and chasmish. Abhi nervously goes to his room and locks door. Purab goes and knocks door. He thinks Pragya must have come and gets more nervous. Purab calls him and asks to open door. Bulbul goes to Pragya and asks what is she hiding. Abhi on the other side tells Purab he is feeling very nervous seeing Pragya. Pragya tells Bulbul that she proposed Abhi. Bulbul gets happy and asks her to pinch. Pragya shies. Bulbul says love is in the air and asks what happened next.

Purab tells Abhi that he knew Pragya would propose some day. Abhi asks what is he telling. Purab says he means he knew Pragya would propose Abhi. Pragya says Abhi did not reply. Bulbul asks her to ask Abhi directly if he loves her. Pragya says her heart started racing seeing him, she will not ask and leaves. Bulbul says P ragya is dramebaz and will not ask, so she will have to write their love story’s climax. Abhi says he will not go in front of Pragya until his confusion clears. Purab asks him to wait until his confusion clears, but go in front of Pragya. Abhi says he is right and says he solves his problem always. Purab hopes Abhi realizes his love for Pragya.

Tanu asks Aaliya about Abhi. Daasi hears her and asks why is she asking about Abhi. Tanu says producers are searching Abhi. Daasi says he must be busy with Pragya and they must be romancing, so she should stop coming here and search another house. Tanu tells Aaliya Daasi irks her a lot and says she is tensed as Pragya came back in Abhi’s life. Aaliya says her life is also not good as she planned kidnapping Bulbul, but she is still with Purab. Mitali comes and says if corporator is caught, they will also be caught. Aaliya says she will get her caught instead with proof like she trapped Purvi. Mitali thinks these Sundari and Mundari are jealous of her.

Corporator shouts with bullet wound pain and tells his goons they are useless and Abhi and Pragya escaped easily from their clutch.
Daadis are busy talking. Pragya comes there. Daasi says she knows she was with Abhi. Biji asks her to give her a grandson or granddaughter soon. Daasi says she will ask Abhi to hurry up. Daadi says after party, she will take Abhi’s class. Pragya gets nervous and asks where is Purvi. Sarla says she has gone on a college trip.

Lady guest tells Pragya everyone knows how she saved her husband Abhi and starts taking selfies with her. Abhi gets irked thinking she is garnering attention in his party.

Bulbul drags Pragya in a room. Pragya asks her not to repeat her bakwas. Bulbul asks her to start then. Pragya says it was their marriage anniversary and she thought kidnappers will kill her and she won’t see Abhi again, but he came in front of her and then they elope and reached Dhaba, Abhi’s fans insisted him to play holi with them, even she played holi with Abhi and reminisces the incident

Pragya telling Bulbul how she and Abhi escaped from corporator’s clutch. She contin ues that corporator shot Abhi and he stopped breathing, then she remembered someone giving CRP and gave him oxygen (mouth to mouth breathing. Bulbul asks how did she give oxygen. Pragya gets nervous and says she cannot tell. Bulbul asks where did she gex oxygen cylinder. Pragya signals mouth to mouth. Bulbul asks if she kissed jiju. Pragya hides he face in shy. Bulbul hugs her and says she kissed jiju and even proposed her. She sees Tanu standing at door and listening to their conversation, goes out and asks Tanu if she is not ashamed to listened to other’s thought and says didi was telling how she kissed jiju and their romance. Tanu gets irked. Bulbul asks her to go from there. Mitali hears their conversation and thinks she got a chance to make Sundari (tanu) jealous and will tell about this in whole party.

Bulbul goes back to Pragya and says she should know what is in Abhi’s mind. Pragya asks how can she. Bulbul says she should go and look in Abhi’s eyes. Pragya says how can she when Abhi is surrounded by many girls. Bulbul says there was a time when Abhi considered Tanu as her friend and companion and she as outsider, but he considers her as friend and wife and and tanu outsider, so he shies seeing her. Pragya says she will not and leaves. Bulbul says she has to try something else to convince her.

Ugly minded Aaliya calls corporator Neil and asks him to listen to her. He says because of her, Abhi has send police behind him and he is hiding. Aaliya says why did he try to kill Abhi and says if he does not listen to her, she will get him arrested, etc. Abhi comes there and listand ens to her conversation. She sees him and gets tensed. He takes phone and speaks to Neil, but Neil cuts call. He asks Aaliya if everything is alright. She stands silently. He calls back. Neil gives phone to his goon and asks to speak. Goon says he has to give 3 months’ fish money and has to give 5000 rs. Abhi says it is a wrong number. Goon continues if he does not give money, he will send call police. Aaliya says he was arguing even with her. Neil cuts call and scolds his goon for overacting. Abhi asks Aaliya to block this wrong number. Aaliya relaxes.

Bulbul continues pestering Aaliya to go and ask Abhi. Pragya nervously says she will not. Bulbul says she proposed Purab easily and nothing will get wrong. Pragya says she will go and starts panicking and murmuring herself. Biji sees Pragya murmuring and asks what is she talking. Sarla calls her and asks what is she murmuring. Pragya says her room’s AC is not working, so she is getting sweats and says servant Robin knows that. Daasi says she is behaving as if she is standing in witness box.

Tanu takes Abhi to a corner and asks how can he kiss Pragya and says few days ago, she was important to him, but she is cornered and he is committed to Pragya. He says he did not kiss Pragya. She says she feels cheated now and continues yelling that she thought he loves only her and would accept her, what will she tell to her parents. Abhi again says there is nothing like this. She says then why is Pragya boasting about her first kiss. He asks if she is sure. She says Pragya is proud that she kissed a rockstar and not her husband. He angrily walks to confront her, but girls catch him and ask about his first kiss. He gets more irked and angrily looks at Pragya who is busy talking to guests smilingly.

Mitali telling lady guests that Pragya gave mouth to mouth respiration to save Abhi and tells according to her it is a kiss. Ladies say Pragya is very intelligent and romantic. She then makes Tanu jealous with same. Tanu gets irked. Abhi comes down. Ladies surround him and says they heard about his romantic stories. He sees Pragya with guests and drags her to their room.

Purab sees them and thinks why is Abhi taking Pragya up. Bulbul stops him and tells he has forgotten her since his friend has come. He says he is not. She says she has something to tell. He says he knows. She says Pragya kissed Abhi. He asks him to describe herself. She gets shy.

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