Aditya and the children talk about getting Antara once more into the
school. He says that he will personally speak to the Principal. Aditya
is told by the Principal that he will make Antara write an exam and will
give her an additional thirty minutes for the Same. Subramaniam
believes that the Principal is squandering his time. Be that as it may,
he needs to give in as a result of her success in the Maths Bee exam.
Antara starts writing the exam.
Aditya rushes to give Antara's exam paper to the Principal. Be that as it may, the teacher says that Antara has overshot the more than two hour time constrain and has finished it in 3 hours. The Principal tears her answer sheet before her. He is compelled to remove her from the school. Billu has likewise been suspended as the Principal discovers that Billu had changed the from so as to make Antara participate in the Maths Bee competition. Aditya is disturbed and goes to Vikram. He tell Aditya not to give up, and solve his domestic issues. He likewise suggests Aditya that Vidya must return to singing with the goal that they get back together as husband and wife.
Aditya is vexed, and begins missing Vidya. He wouldn't like to eat, however Antara feeds him. He feels cheerful. Abhishek ponders where Billu is going in his school uniform. Mrs Gupta chides Abhishek for such a senseless question. Billu chases Abhishek for practically getting him caught in front of his mom. Mrs. Gupta again catches them dallying downstairs. Abhishek leaves for school, and feels awful about leaving his best pal Billu. Billu unobtrusively goes to Antara's home. Aditya requests that he care for Antara. While Billu is waiting for Antara, he recalls his childhood with her. Billu then dresses up as a girl named Silly to avoid his mom Mrs. Gupta. Antara finds it exceptionally funny.
Aditya rushes to give Antara's exam paper to the Principal. Be that as it may, the teacher says that Antara has overshot the more than two hour time constrain and has finished it in 3 hours. The Principal tears her answer sheet before her. He is compelled to remove her from the school. Billu has likewise been suspended as the Principal discovers that Billu had changed the from so as to make Antara participate in the Maths Bee competition. Aditya is disturbed and goes to Vikram. He tell Aditya not to give up, and solve his domestic issues. He likewise suggests Aditya that Vidya must return to singing with the goal that they get back together as husband and wife.
Aditya is vexed, and begins missing Vidya. He wouldn't like to eat, however Antara feeds him. He feels cheerful. Abhishek ponders where Billu is going in his school uniform. Mrs Gupta chides Abhishek for such a senseless question. Billu chases Abhishek for practically getting him caught in front of his mom. Mrs. Gupta again catches them dallying downstairs. Abhishek leaves for school, and feels awful about leaving his best pal Billu. Billu unobtrusively goes to Antara's home. Aditya requests that he care for Antara. While Billu is waiting for Antara, he recalls his childhood with her. Billu then dresses up as a girl named Silly to avoid his mom Mrs. Gupta. Antara finds it exceptionally funny.
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