Tuesday 20 December 2016

Season Films || Tuesday Update On Twist Of Fate Episode 149-150


The episode starts with Abhi and Pragya reaching temple. Ladies see Abhi and ask why did he come so late, say they saw his concert on TV and he was rocking. Daadis come and asks why did he come here. Daadi asks if Pragya brought him here. Daasi jokes that they want to roam alone, so came here in lieu of picking us. Daadi introduces them to panditji. Pandtiji says as Daadi said, they both look good together and gives Pragya a thread to tie it on Abhi’s wrist. Abhi resists. Daadi asks when he can take aarti from bahu, why can’t he get thread tied on his wrist for her sake. Pragya ties thread on his wrist. Panditji says they will also be tied togetherlike thread after this. Abhi then takes daadis in car. Daadi on back seat talk about a characterless woman who was flirting withanother man and praises Pragya that she is pati vrata and loves only Abhi.Bulbul and Daadi watch Pragya/suresh’s intimate video and think they cannot believe it is real. Bulbul says she will go and ask Suresh about the truth. Daadi asks her to not create drama, else Sarla will know about it and get another heart attack. Sarla comes there and asks what are they hiding from her. Bulbul says she is selected in a job interview’s first round and was discussing about it. Sarla asks if this is the only secret. She says yes and Daadi changes talk by scolding milkman for delivering lean paneer. Sarla smiles.Abhi and Pragya reach home with Daadis sadly. Daadis praise Abhi’s performance and asks him to repeat his new song’s lyrics. He says he does not remember and wants to go and rest. Daadi asks what happened to him. Pragya says he must be tried and she will go and check.Pragya follows Abhi into their room. Abhi says Daadi believes you a lot and you betrayed her by having an illegal affair and says hope he forgets everything. Pragya says she did not. He asks herto shut up and says if she speaks now, he will strangulate and kill her and will not tell daadi why he killed her. He says this room is remindingof her laugh and telling that she can do anything she likes and he cannot do anything to her. He starts throwing all the bedcovers, pillows, bedsheets on floor and tries to set them ablaze. He stops him and asks why is he setting ablaze his favorite pillow when he is angry on her. He says she slept with another man on this pillow and he cannot tolerate it. He burns everything and says he hopes he can burn her like this. He removes her tied thread and says nobody can tieus now, not even this thread. He says he accepted her relationship in front of this fire and he ends their relationship in front of fire itself, throws thread in fire and walks out. Pragya worriedly tries to take out thread.Tanu asks Aaliya when both Abhi and Pragya are here, why is Abhi not kicking out Pragya and says let us go to Pragya’s house and tell them about her affair, so that they also should disown.Aaliya says she already sent video to Bulbul.Abhi thinks why is he angry on Pragya and worried about her when she betrayed him. He breaks vase on table.Bulbul and Purvi watch Pragya’s intimate video. Sarla sees them and asks what are they watching. Bulbul hides phone and says she is watching some hilarious video. Sarla asks her toshow it and gets adamant. Bulbul gives her mobile hesitantly. Sarla sees it and asks why didshe hide Abhi’s concert news from her and stopped her from watching her jamai’s performance and says she will personally call him and congratulate him. Bulbul gets relieved that Sarla did not see the original video.Pragya is still crying vigorously in room. Abhi comes and says he has take a decision and instead of getting his whole family punished, he will punish her. He throws their marriage pic in ash and asks her to get out of his house.

Abhi asking Pragya to get out of his house. She says she will obey his every order as she loves him a lot and walks out sadly. Tanu and Aaliya see her walking out and smirk. Pragya gets Sarla’s call who asks how is she. She says she is fine. Sarla asks why did shehide about Abhi’s concert. Pragya says she is busy now with Abhi’s media meeting and will callher later. Sarla asks her to be with Abhi and call her once she reaches home. Pragya says okay and cuts call. Daadi asks Sarla what did Pragya say. Sarla says she is with Abhi in concert and she is happy that Pragya is happy now.Pragya is about walk out of main door when Abhi holds her hand and says he cannot becomelike her, so he is letting her stay in his house for her family’ssake as they think him as their son. He says she can stay here tonight and cook up a story to tell to her family and Daadi. He says for the last time, we will stay under same room but separately, takes her bag and walks in.Aaliya congratulates Mitali that with her proof, Pragya is kicked out of house. Mitali says she is happy as her husband went to jail because of Pragya. Aaliya then asks Tanu to lure Abhi now and convince him to marry her. She says walks out saying she will meet Abhi. She comes out and sees Abhi walking in with Pragya and her bag. Abhi sees her and gets into his room with Pragya. Tanu gets annoyed seeing this and goesto inform Aaliya. Abhi throws Pragya bag on floor and walks out closing room door. Pragya sadly sits on sofa and cries holding pillow. She reminisces her marriage with him and then Aaliya proving Abhi to kick her out, etc.Tanu asks Abhi how can he get back Pragya back in. He says he is doing it for Daadi and Pragya’s mom. She says why is he thinking about Pragya’s mom. He says she thinks me as a son and he cannot see her in trouble. She saysshe is using his weakness and trying to get backin. He says she will stay here just tonight and says Tanu he can drop her home if she wants. She hugs him and says she is afraid that they will separate again and asks him to not take her words seriously. He also apologizes her.Purab sees Bulbul walking on road without noticing upcoming vehicles and saves her from accident. She asks if he was following her. He says he is not and would have saved if it was any other person and asks her to just remember that a stranger saved her life and left.Daadis wait for Pragya to get a tea. Tanu comes there with tea. Cousin Daadis drink it and say it is very bad. Daadi asks her to send Pragya. Cousins ask her to learn preparing tea from Pragya before going to her home. They then laugh at her after she leaves. Daadi says she is very stubborn. Tanu comes out irked and tells Aaliya that Daadis are still under Pragya’s effect and says she will video to Daadi so that she herself can kick Pragya out. Aaliya warns her notto do that and says Abhi will get her out now.Bulbul says Purab that she is worried about Pragya and shows him Pragya and Suresh’s video. Purab watches it and says it is not Pragya. Bulbul says she knows and says someone sent this video to me and if he/she sends it to Sarla, there will be a big problem.Abhi reminisces Pragya trying to add bedsheet under his bed and asks what is she doing, starts alleging that she wants to come closer to her. She says he saw at the bed edge, so kept bed sheet to protect him when he falls. He says she is just acting and would add dumbells to hurt him. She says he gave a good idea and will keep hot water instead. He says she wants to burn hisface and asks him to touch it. She tries to touch, but he pushes her.

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