Aarti comes to Adityas place to stay for some days before she gets
married. Aarti shares her worry with Vidya and tells her to convince
Aditya, not to bring Antara with them to Sameers place for the dinner
party that evening. Vidya understands her worry and tries to convince
Aditya for the same. Be that as it may, he refuses and yells at Aarti
and Vidya. By one means or another, Aarti comprehends Adityas emotions
and apologizes to him. Sameer needs Antara to be present there. While
Aditya is preparing Antara, Vidya trusts that Antara would behave well
at the party. Aditya and Vidya feel concerned.
Aditya and family reach Sameers place for dinner. Antara sees Sameers father's mobile and picks it up. The following day, Sameer and his dad search for the mobile, however don't find it. Then again, Abhishek sees Antara playing with Sameer's dad's mobile. He tries to teach Antara to say sorry, however Antara doesn't answer. What's more, when Aditya sees the mobile in Abhisheks hand, he begins reproving him. Abhishek keeps silent to save Antara. In any case, when Antara has fits, Aditya understands that it was Antaras mistake and not Abhisheks.
Aditya feels that he should tell Sameer's family about Antara's condition. Be that as it may, Aarti declines to uncover anything to them. Abhishek tells Aditya that he is prepared to assume the blame for Antaras mistake at the end of the day, before Sameers father. Sameer's dad forgives Abhishek for an innocent mistake, yet insults Vidya and Aditya for flopping in their obligations as parents. Vidya feels bad about Abhishek going through such circumstances and hopes that these occasions do not permanently scar Abhishek's childhood and his future.
Aditya and family reach Sameers place for dinner. Antara sees Sameers father's mobile and picks it up. The following day, Sameer and his dad search for the mobile, however don't find it. Then again, Abhishek sees Antara playing with Sameer's dad's mobile. He tries to teach Antara to say sorry, however Antara doesn't answer. What's more, when Aditya sees the mobile in Abhisheks hand, he begins reproving him. Abhishek keeps silent to save Antara. In any case, when Antara has fits, Aditya understands that it was Antaras mistake and not Abhisheks.
Aditya feels that he should tell Sameer's family about Antara's condition. Be that as it may, Aarti declines to uncover anything to them. Abhishek tells Aditya that he is prepared to assume the blame for Antaras mistake at the end of the day, before Sameers father. Sameer's dad forgives Abhishek for an innocent mistake, yet insults Vidya and Aditya for flopping in their obligations as parents. Vidya feels bad about Abhishek going through such circumstances and hopes that these occasions do not permanently scar Abhishek's childhood and his future.
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