Kesar at long last gets the medicines for Durgadevi and
plans to administer it to her. He mixes the medicine in the tea and Durgadevi
consumes it. Somewhere else, Roshni tells Siddharth that she wishes to watch
her mom get the award and to hear her speech. Siddharth guarantees Roshni that
she would hear her mom giving the speech and requests her to prepare. At the
point when the time arrives for Durgadevi to give her speech, she begins
feeling dizzy and talks funny. She then tumbles down and is attended by her
tells the occasion organizer that rather than Durgadevi, her husband would
receive the award and give the speech. Shiv strolls up the stage and portrays
the story of an successful businesswoman who single conveniently took care of
her family. He includes that he is proud be a husband of Duragdevi. Later at
home, Durgadevi finds the wrapper of the medicine that Kesar had purchased for
her. On investigating the wrapper, she discovers that it is a drug. Durgadevi
points the finger at Shivpathi for drugging Her. Will this misunderstanding
make a much greater gap amongst Shiv and Durgadevi?
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